I'm thinking of doing some teaching again.

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Chuck Ellsworth

There has been a change in my plans for the future and I may have a lot of spare time on my hands and I may decide to do some teaching again.

I have not renewed my medical for the past few years because I have not done any flying, and I can not justify renewing it just to do some teaching because I really do not need a pilot license to ride with a licensed pilot and give advice and suggestions on how they can improve their flying skills.

Kind of like a government employee becoming a consultant after they quit their jobs.

So I will just advertise as:

"[color=blue] Chuck Ellsworth flying skills consultant [/color]"


Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Absolutely!  You don't need to log PIC to teach something.
Chuck Ellsworth

Was thinking about it more last night and it would give me an excuse to rent an office at the airport and hang a sign and on the bottom have

"" Not Transport Canada approved ""

That alone would make it the talk of the region.  :)

And drive our new TC employee mad.  :D
Chuck Ellsworth

Absolutely!  You don't need to log PIC to teach something.
Even better you do not even need a pilots license.  :)
Chuck Ellsworth

There are some records which must be kept such as filling out the aircraft log books that make sense.

However I teach based on common sense using the laws of aerodynamics and physics that all student pilots can learn at home with a bit of effort, once you decide to go flying you should have the flight planned from engine start to engine shut down before you get in the thing.

Writing your plans on paper only makes it more likely you will miss something trying to deal with all the goofy ideas that the industry has embraced as necessary.

I don't want to be dead with my family and friends saying  what could have gone wrong his paper work was immaculate.

When a question is asked on a forum these days there are always the pavlovs dogs from the TC mindset who will answer a simple question with quotes from the CAR's that are so long a computer has problems remembering all of it.

I love flying with some of these experts and watching them fight with the airplane trying to get it somewhere on the runway in a x/wind without wrecking it, it is amazing simply amazing watching the product of today's training  industry being flown by the airplane they are hanging on to.
Chuck Ellsworth

Here is a question.

You are going for an hours flying in your local area with one passenger and zero baggage or freight in a Cessna 172.

What possible W&B problem could there be?

I once had a TC inspector ask me if one of my instructors had filled out a W&B for the Grumman Cheetah he was walking to with a sight seeing passenger.

I said if he was so stupid he would waste time filling out a W&B for the Cheetah for a half hour flight with one passenger I would fire him.

The TC drone was so confused at my answer he was left cationic and just got in his car and fucked off...which was my intent in the first place.
Chuck Ellsworth

To answer your question about helping them.

Yes I start helping them by teaching them something their FTU forgot to teach them.

Attitudes and movements, so they can understand what the controls  do and why.

Once they understand the basics I teach them the picture they must see and understand so they can judge height and closure rate with the landing surface.

Chuck Ellsworth

One of the issues that has got me thinking about doing some training again is the amount of money it costs me a year to own and use my motor home.

We use it about two to three months a year and the direct cost is over twenty thousand dollars not including deprecation.

If I sell it I could buy a Cub and pay for it in two years savings on costs alone.

So maybe next spring I will sell it as it will be three years old then and still have a good value on the market.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:00 pm

You can come teach me Chuck. I won't charge you if you bring an airplane.
I'll even cook something good for dinner after. Steak or Chicken?
Chuck Ellsworth

We could go to a strip club for entertainment.
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