Gord Price

Flying Tips and Advice from The Colonel!
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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 10:02 pm
Location: Over The Runway


Cool guy. Amazing life.

I remember many years ago at an airshow, it was raining and we were all in this big hangar and he pulled a violin out of his Yak and played, "Ode To The Unflown Sequence". Or something like that.

Neil Peart didn't need you to be his friend
Slick Goodlin
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Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:24 am

Clever marketer too. When the other airplane factories were directly chasing the few sales a year they could get, Gord went to the model shows and manufacturers to build a brand. A couple biplanes in the world doesn’t raise too much recognition in the type but a couple biplanes and a couple thousand RC models are another story. You’d be hard pressed to find an RC flier over about thirty five who doesn’t know what an Ultimate is.
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