Blocking/Unfollow Posters on Forum

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Posts: 1213
Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:18 am
Location: Drinking Coffee in FBO Lounge

Some have made it clear that they do not like certain users on this forum.

To help you from reading such blasphemy that might cause cardiac arrest or worse brain to explode in anger or “triggering” as the kids call it today.

I would like to highlight a feature of this forum.

First find your favourite offenders post.

Click on their Alias.

This will open a window that should look something like this
Click on the Add foe and confirm.

This will hide said posters reply’s to topics so as to not upset you.

Once you have blocked them the world will change.

You will never deice again, always be number 1 for departure and approach. All this not to mention you can then enjoy Scudrunners Forum with many free resources and information for pilots young and old.
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