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Now, about this forum's dismal performance...

You made a big mistake when you let it become a soapbox for Andy Boyd, and that's reflected in the audience numbers.

Everywhere he goes, people leave in droves. And that rhymes.

He is forum poison.

You wonder why you have so few users?

This place could have been something good, but you made a fatal error.

And you can take dat to the bank!

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Happy New Year to you too!

I had no idea I occupied so much of your brain rent-free. I have no idea who you are - I never think of you - but I’m flattered.

I feel sorry, though that you feel threatened by a lack of censorship.

In the immortal words of William Shatner to the trekkies on SNL … Get A Life!

As a peace offering, here’s a video of me making it look really easy:

Feel free to post videos of you flying here.
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines - Brian Mulroney
dumbbell daddy
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I specifically come here to read and learn from people like the Colonel. If I wanted to listen to a 500 hr 172 instructors opinion, or a Jazz Dash 8 “classic” FO bitch, I’d go to avcanada.
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Sitting here in my office, completely baffled about why someone is upset I left Canada over 7 years ago ....

I think I've figured it out.


That's the Duke in my office. I inherited that amazing marble figurine from my great-great-great-grandfather, Sir John Beverley Robinson, who spent some time in England a couple hundred years ago with my distant cousin Arthur Wellesley aka the Duke of Wellington who (hold on ...) defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, where he was rendered "so low".

Get it? It all makes sense now. Bad news: the Duke and I have been together a looong time and even if he should be in a museum somewhere, I kinda like him in my office. He likes the Wx here.
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines - Brian Mulroney
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Andy Boyd, never heard of her.

I’m pretty sure Scudrunners is exactly on track of where it needs to be.

Golly- gosh, I really miss the likes of AvCanada and some of the prolific members telling me how I should live my life.

Maybe Rockie can come teach me how to stall the Airbus on landing, or rip the gear and engines off, landing short of a runway. Or perhaps land on a taxiway with 5-6 aircraft on it.

$100 says each one of those pilots are the same who flew for some dickbag who lived the lie of 10% over gross is just fine, inflight viz is much better than reported, etc…

Feliz año, muchocho.
Twin Beech restoration:
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Most aviation forms are seeing a decrease in traffic. Avcanada is pretty slow compared to what it used to be. Either there aren’t as many people flying these days, or the online aviation community has shifted to social media platforms (there are a lot of Canadian Facebook aviation groups). Kinda sad that everything ends up making Zuckerberg richer and humanity poorer…
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I had forgotten all about this …

For about 10 years after I flew my last contest in 2001, I had a really disturbed stalker. Maybe the same guy.

Months, even a year would go by and this guy would go off his meds and have some psychotic break, and I would get frenzied, late night venom about how I had ruined it for everyone. I had killed aerobatics or aviation in Canada. One or the other. Maybe both?

The messages would get more frequent and intense and then suddenly stop. Perhaps they were institutionalized, I dunno. Then months later, it would start up again.

Really disturbed. They were in a dark place, and they thought I had put them there. For about 10 years, they struggled with this mental illness until they finally stopped.

What I would like to know is: does aviation somehow attract psychotics? Or does it take normal people and make them like that?
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines - Brian Mulroney
Slick Goodlin
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I’ve upset people just by existing too but I’ll never hold a candle to the Colonel’s experience. I think it’s a jealousy thing.
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A few years back, phone rings in the hangar. I pick it up and say, Hi!

Some woman I had never heard of before with a weird alliterative name (Penny Prockett?) introduced herself as Transport Canada Enforcement Inspector in Atlantic Region.

I knew nothing of her but she had heard all about me, and warned me if I ever flew to Atlantic Region she would have me charged.

I thanked her and hung up. I got the message - I had lost aviation privileges In Atlantic Region.

That was over 10 years ago, and I have avoided Atlantic Region since then. Like being threatened by a Sheriff from Mississippi or Louisiana, I get the message.

No idea what I did to this Penny woman. If anyone in Atlantic Region could fill me in, that would be great.
Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines - Brian Mulroney
David MacRay
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Sheen nyan kwhy lah.
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