Flair Airlines Proposed New Payscale

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Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2020 9:29 pm

I fully get it. (Staying a 3-bar)

Bidding for schedules is based on seniority, which is based upon DOH. Each airline, and base will have 5-10% of the top FO list who have bypassed upgrade when their seniority can handle it. Strategically, waiting to upgrade to the same base, or perhaps have a vacation or wedding they must attend in the near-distant future. Upgrading will take that away.

When you’re making a decent wage, AND living within your means, the added stress/responsibility of being el Jefe, isn’t worth it to some.

My favorite moments are sitting in the right seat, checking out a brand new captain, and the senior-ish FA nearly completely ignores me when she/he/ze introduces demself. Then the look on zeir face when I tell them I’m the actual PIC. Priceless.

Back on topic. We’re in the same predicament as Flair. We’re given a tentative agreement, which is appealing in some areas, but deficient when compared to other “like” companies.

Hard decisions to make which way to vote.

PS. Making $400/hr doesn’t mean jack-squat when the work rules are atrocious.

Twin Beech restoration:
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sitting in the right seat, checking out a brand new captain
You are a better man than I. I’m done with the newbies, especially the ones with attitude. I tell them I have paint in cans on the shelf of my hangar older than they are, and when it starts talking to me, I will heed it appropriately.
45 / 47. You can seize his assets, you can try to put him in jail, you can try to keep him off the ballot, you can try to kill him - but he's our President.
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