What is your favorite plane you have flown?

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Chuck Ellsworth

Pistons, BN2 Islander with noise cancelling headset, amazing short field performer and load hauler.[/quote]

Yup, an amazing bush plane!

Slick Goodlin
Posts: 721
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:46 pm

I really, [i]really[/i] like this little guy:

[img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg61 ... E-2006.jpg[/img]

It's a Taylor E-2, the first design in the long history of Cubs built when William Piper was just an investor in someone else's company.  This particular plane is the oldest Cub in Canada (1935) and I consider myself lucky that I get to fly it whenever I'm in the neighbourhood.  No, it can't do unlimited acro or carry any normal sized passenger or even break the mile-a-minute barrier but it's dead simple and very relaxing to toot around the patch in.  If you don't care about going anywhere but up (albeit not very high), this is about all the plane you need.

[img]http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg61 ... nes/10.jpg[/img]
^Not exactly IFR-equipped.
Ref Plus 10
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:59 pm

Wow, what a question...also impossible to answer, however:

Beech 99 - Dirty girl, fill it with freight, take it fast and low and don't look back..

DHC-6 - just take it anywhere

DC3T on Skis - Quite possibly my favourite (so far), you could put it just about anywhere, usually despite the protests of the new FO beside me.  Even when you shouldn't have, she won't complain..

And for the heavies, the B767-300, one of those jets that was just made for pilots. More power than it knows what to do with, and any plane you can sit in with moderate turbulence and not have to worry about spilling the (incredibly indigestible) coffee is a win in my books!
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

I never met a plane I didn't like.
BTW I seem to have found the hangout of the reprobates from the other place. What a relief :)
Chuck Ellsworth

How's life going in your world duCapo?

This new site is getting some excellent members, members who actually are aviators.

So glad you showed up.

Chuck.  :)
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

Things are busy Chuck, got 7 Beavers working hard, looks like we should have a good summer. You keeping out of trouble?
Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]Things are busy Chuck, got 7 Beavers working hard, looks like we should have a good summer.[/quote]

I thought you were getting tired of this business, what happened did you get so far in you may as well really go big?  :)

I am sort of back in the business a bit myself and one of the things I am doing is helping a friend in his sea plane training business.

So what do you want us to teach them before we send them to you?

You keeping out of trouble?[/quote]

Why would I want to do that?

Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

[quote]So what do you want us to teach them before we send them to you?/quote]

Stick and Rudder
Chuck Ellsworth

So what do you want us to teach them before we send them to you?[/quote]

Stick and Ruddder[/quote]

Great that is the only thing I know so there will be no problem.

Are you aware that I am not P.C. and I just can't baby them and blow smoke up their asses, so when you get them they may not be socially programmed.

But if you give them an airplane they will bring it back home every night.  :)
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

Oh yeah, I know you can't teach someone common sense, but maybe you could beat some into them. You being not PC and all........ be careful though, if you get caught doing it, you will be sent away for sensitivity training and social reprogramming. It be a slippery slope we walk these days.
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