CZNL Nelson Airport

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Planning a family trip to Nelson this summer, anyone know about transient parking for about 4 days there.
Ramp space looks tight, any overnight fees? happy to pay (within reason) to support that airport.

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Last time I was there I think the overnight fee was $15/ night, but free if you bought gas. That was a while ago though, say 10 years? The last time I flew by, they were really upset that I didn't land there, and called me on the radio assuming since I wasn't landing, I must not be able to see the airport and thus it was an emergency. Airport manager called the police the fire trucks and everything...
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That’s nuts !
(Not the parking fee.)

I’ll be going light on the fuel but will plan to take a splash to help support the airport.

ForeFlight shows it’s a 1 hour hop
Direct from YBW. So more like 1.3 which sure beats the 7 hour driving time with kids in the truck.
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Even before it was legal, Nelson had probably the most Bong shops per capita of any town in the world... and stores with the "Oh, and you can put your weed in there" guys. Nice town, walking anywhere makes it leg day. There are worse places to spend a summer vacation. I did my float rating there a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Poor ol' PJU apparently was written off not long after.
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Contact Kootenay Lake Aviation...they can give you current information
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Will do thanks.

Need to check my logbook pretty sure my mix master use to live there for a time.
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Is Nelson the place where the dude does high quality videos of aircraft taking off?

YouTube guy.

Has great quality vids and sound of many different types that transit the airport.

Found it!!
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Yes Nark, he's caught me landing there a few times in the RV. Great place to fly into, easy to get lunch within walking distance. The first time for your passengers is interesting as you are flying straight toward a mountain when crossing midfield. I once saw a bear in an opening just off the wing when I was on downwind.
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Uh oh better bring my A game :lol:
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