Pilots That Can't Fly Without An Autopilot

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Location: Over The Runway

SPIFR it’s nice to have heading and altitude hold.

But I suspect people come to grief, frantically reprogramming the approach into the GPS.

I’m a Bad Man. Cruising in the sunshine over a solid undercast, I might call Approach and ask for a clearance present position to Snafu airport.

Oh, I spilled my coffee on the plate - what’s the LOC freq?

He gives me vectors to the ILS. Now, I add 200 feet to the airport elevation. Needles in the donut. Didn’t do any button pushing except dialling in the LOC.

After I land, right turn on Echo, call Ground and tell them I’m a student pilot, unfamiliar, request progressive taxi to FBO.

45 / 47 => 95 3/4%
JW Scud
Posts: 217
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:25 pm

Colonel wrote:
Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:39 am
Gurus often sense that I don’t worship them, and that can greatly offend and anger them. I guess they need to be worshipped or something.

I know an ex-USAF pilot like that. Ace of the base. I flew his airplane better than he did. Really angered him. Then he found out I had more time on type and many more landings than he did. Oops. I rather liked him, but he sure had a problem with me. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, dude - I’ve spent half a century flying piston/prop the very best I can, and maybe I’ve learned a few things along the way.

I have painfully learned that you do not fuck with someone’s prized self-image.

It looks like we have an example right here:

https://www.msn.com/en-ca/entertainment ... tp#image=1
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