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Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:32 pm

A;; too often people put themselves on a pedestal  thinking that I'm better than you so therefore I don't have to put out for anyone.  Many years ago while based at YMJ I was walking across the hangar on a very cold day and two young airmen were trying to move a very large door which was jambed with ice.

I went over and asked of they could use a 200 pound mule and we got the monster open.  As I was walking back to my kingdom in the tower a tweeny Second Lieutenant pilot trainee asked if always helped the junior ranks .in such demeaning tasks..  "I may be a Captain but I'm also human..are you!" 

I asked if he even knew the name of the Corporal that helped with his pre-flight and start and of course I got a blank stare from the RMC Ring Knocker.  A year later the same kid walked up to me in the bar and thanked me for the good saved his ass.


Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]RMC Ring Knocker[/quote]

Reminds me.  A few years back, someone
figured out that there were more graduate
engineers in the RCAF than there were
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