Improved directional stability results in easy directional control
Hiliarious reading. Here's what the "student" said:
And here's what the "instructor" said:"Departed KMEV about 1300, and returned to pattern about 30 minutes later. Began visual approach slightly high, instructor recommended a slip or go-around. I slipped the plane down to proper glidepath and at the instructor's command removed the slip. touched down slightly right of centerline, maybe 300-500 feet down the runway. The right main touched first, followed by the left main and then the nose wheel within about 1-2 seconds. A slight left crab was detected of about 1-3 degrees, as the plane was tracking down the runway. As I was about to put in right rudder, the instructor grabbed the yoke with both hands and applied full left aileron. relinquished control to the instructor. The plane immediately turned left and eventually began to slide as the turn approached the 90 degree point. The instructor kept full left aileron throughout the maneuver until we exited the runway hard surface, hit the dirt, and flipped over. For reasons unknown, the instructor applied the incorrect input for the situation. The correct input or none in this case, would have prevented the crash."
Gotta watch out for those fire-breathing dragons, the Cessna 182. A treacherous beast."At approximately 13:30 on May 30, 2021, Cessna 757ZZ made a landing on runway 34. The intention was a touch- and- go. However upon the rollout, pilot flying began to veer slightly right of centerline and overcorrected with excessive left rudder and brakes. I was in the right seat and called for the pilot flying to get off the brake and attempted to regain control, with opposite rudder. Pilot flying froze up and | was unable to gain control from the pilot flying. Aircraft exited the runway and was overturned beside runway 34. I then turned the mixture, magnetos, and master off, as the pilot was not performing necessary tasks to secure and exit the aircraft after being prompted to do so. l unbuckled the pilot's seat belt and opened the door for him to exit."
You cannot make this shit up.