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Chuck Ellsworth
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I dunno - the world seems wall-to-wall with RV's.

Moment of Irony™: the homebuilt world spent decades wandering in the weeds
with labor-intensive composites and unreliable car engine conversions. So many
decades wasted. It was like having my head dragged through mush.

At the end of all that, they converged back to a riveted aluminum pre-drilled quick
build kit with fixed gear and a fucking direct-drive four cylinder horizontally-opposed
air-cooled Lycoming - an aircraft that you could have easily built in 1950.

This is probably my favorite homebuilt, but I'm weird:


A more practical choice would probably be any one of a zillion cub clones. Personally
I don't think you can do much better than this:


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David MacRay
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I think Glen likes pizza.
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I like em, I think they are kinda neat.
Chuck Ellsworth
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Hey Colonel, did you ever get the chance to fly a DC3 yet?
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If only I could get the time off!
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Slick Goodlin
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I think Thatcher’s airplanes have an appealing shape but I worry a two seater would be pretty anemic with a VW. Either that or the VW would be overturned to the point of losing reliability. Maybe a Corvair can be used, some guys have done that to other modern VW-powered homebuilts, like Sonexes and stuff.
Chuck Ellsworth
Posts: 334
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:25 pm

For sure it is not over powered, however it has a lower empty weight and all up weight than a 150.
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