haters, flamers and trolls R us

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Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

I think avcanada is about done.  They banned the only people who made it interesting.
Yep, glad I found this site. I was rarely on AC anymore, in fact it was a post by a troll that read the other day that pointed me here.

Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

and I strap them into the front seat and
put a little negative G on them.
If I trash talk you Colonel, will I get a ride in your Pitts? I'd be up for that. :-)
Chuck Ellsworth

Please don't be too hard on the Colonel duCapo as he is very sensitive and may leave us.
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

I'ts a way to get some time in a Pitts...... just sayin.
Chuck Ellsworth

I was only joking, the Colonel is about as sensitive as a bulldozer.  :)

But if you go visit him you will be really impressed, I know I was.

How in fuck did you get to seven Beavers in your area, is it mostly government stuff?
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

well Chuck, it just kind of happened.I owned 2 leased one and bought the assets of NPS a couple of years ago, which came with 4 Beavers. I guess someone had to do it. Life was easier before. We run 4-5 year round, summer I have 2 in the Charlottes. Things seem to be getting busier up here.
Chuck Ellsworth

Just thought I would bump this thread up again and point out that there has been no sign of haters or flamers here so far....

...a couple of trolls did post a few times but went away when no one took the bait.

And it looks like BPF's posts on Avcanada have slowed to a trickle since he does not have me there anymore to jump on almost every post I made.

I also find it interesting he slowed right down posting all his knowledge about how to teach flying..

No big surprise though seeing as his area of expertise was mostly Cessna 172's and years of riding right seat for a water bombing company.

I can not imagine years of seat warming as a career.
Posts: 41
Joined: Wed May 27, 2015 3:08 pm

What I have noticed in this forum as although we seem to have a good cross-section of the Canadian Aviation community (if we are all telling the truth), we appear to have the common thread of wanting to improve things and learn - ourselves, others, and we are in aviation because we enjoy it and not just for a job.

What I have not seen is any of the "how to do get my license the quickest/cheapest/without doing any work?" Instead we are discussing going out and practicing/learning MORE.

I've only seen one thread start to get into an argument (the supersonic shock wave one) - and even that has made me go open a book and try to work out who is right!

Keep it coming guys and gals, and again many thanks to the experienced folk on here who take the time to post and make me think about things, try things and have made me a much better pilot.
Gravel Digger
Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:08 am

Avcan has really fallen apart, I still check it to make sure my friends still have jobs and that no one has hit the ground awkwardly. There are quite a few posters that I genuinely hope stay in that sandbox, though.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

I was was taken back on how they dismissed me at the other forum -- I guess my sense of humour is a little too abstract for the group - and the way it was done -- no balls -- I just went to log in one day and couldn't and then the excuse when I inquired -- give me a fucking break -- anyway if one can't express themselves on a forum and if you step over the line the other members will whack your peepee - it seems to me a move to remove anyone off that sight who will call a spade a fucking shovel -- education can be a bumpy road but we all continue to travel down it -- just because you are new to this game doesn't mean you can't teach to old dogs some new insights --  ;D
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