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Thanks, Scud - I guess we'll agree to disagree on that point, but I may be overly opinionated on that subject because I have seen a lot of predatory practices around my hangar and in my region over the years and sometimes still get asked by clients what alternate methods of travel there are.  Seriously, they  expect me to quote prices on competitors? (which I do if it is outrageously larger than our prices :) )

That being said, I enjoy wandering around all of the forums and see what discussions are going on.  Sometimes there are just more discussions that I happen to want to participate in on one site than another.

Your policy on non-censorship is interesting, and could in itself start a discussion.  While I can see your point about not wanting to leap into the middle of discussions that get heated even if they turn into flame wars, I've seen the occasional truly offensive post over the years when bigotry starts creeping in, whether it be against a race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or what have you.

I find the whole topic of freedom of speech vs. censorship a compelling one - there's the well touted example of not being able to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, but it gets murky when you start talking about what does and doesn't constitute hate mongering or just expressing one's own opinion.

(Oops, and now I've accidentally hijacked the thread)

Air Mail
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Who cares if it's "advertising" on another site.  Competitor?  What are we competing against?  There's nothing to buy/investing in, even if there was I wouldn't touch it.  For posting and information?  Well they had that, but years of over moderation, stupid and whining forum members has driven many good posters away.  So what's there to compete with?
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Well when I say I won't censor there are limits, I will not tolerate racism sexism or any form of bigotry. What I mean to be clear is if I don't agree with you or maybe don't like you I will not delete your posts or lock topics. If there is debate of a subject it will sometimes gets heated and that's not a bad thing.

Now I don't mean for people to test the limits, I just want everyone to feel that this forum is fair to all.

I recall on Avcanada having spirited debates with others back when it first started, today those are shut down by the PC police or mods with grudges. This has resulted in a once great site being marginalized,  don't get me wrong there is still good content there and thus I will continue to post there.
Posts: 53
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[quote author=ScudRunner link=topic=119.msg270#msg270 date=1432591872] today those are shut down by the PC police or mods with grudges. This has resulted in a once great site being marginalized
[/quote]I recently had a thread I was involved in terminated. It vanished overnight and when I searched for it, nothing. I sent PM's to several mods and had no reply. I then contacted the webmaster and said thanks but no thanks, delete me if you are going to be censor-nazis.

Within a few minutes of commenting on a strangely similar thread, wondering where the thread in question had gone, the vaporized thread reappeared with some of the non-PC wording on my part eliminated and a warning from a mod to "be nice".

Then, and only then did I get an email through to my email inbox to say that I am being warned on an AvCanada thread.

The next day, my request to delete my account was granted, along with an additional message to say my IP was banned, "as requested". I had already made up mind but I found that particularly classy...

I agree, there is no place for blatant idiotic behavior, but healthy and passionate debates among professionals who care about what they do should be encouraged. Trolling dickheads need not reply.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]shut down by the PC police[/quote]

I'm sure some people will be offended by
this but ... you don't have the right to force
others to not offend you.

I sure hope people learn something from
those people being killed in Europe over
that silly cartoon.

Various moderators (and other intelligentsia)
think you can measure a person's IQ, by
how much people agree with them.

The intelligentsia are certain they are brighter
than us, and accordingly, need to tell us what
to think, and what we can say.

I don't hold the intelligentsia in very high regard,
and that makes them upset.

"Three strikes and you're out!"

[quote]my IP was banned[/quote]

That's so funny.  Despite the AvCan moderators
posing as the leading intellectuals of our time,
they seem to have not heard of proxy servers
like millions of netflix customers  ::)

After years of dealing with them, I can't help
but wonder if you have to fail an IQ test to
become an AvCan moderator.
Posts: 53
Joined: Mon May 25, 2015 6:03 pm

[quote]The intelligentsia are certain they are brighter
than us, and accordingly, need to tell us what
to think, and what we can say [/quote]

Exactly, and what is too much for the sensitive eyes of the sensitive readership.

Some of the trolls over there are big enough (and smart enough) boys to weasel in a few cheap digs but are apparently not big enough to handle being called on their shit directly, at which time their big brother mods feel the need to step in and [i]keep it nice[/i].

I am sure there will be plenty of melon heads from over there lurking around here and thinking we are just a bunch of outcast, cranky, self absorbed douches… and they are absolutely correct.

I resemble that remark. I would rather be all of the above as opposed to a trolling little needle dick that just tries to get under people's skin by asking questions for the sake of questions and correcting other people's spelling and grammar.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]thinking we are just a bunch of outcast, cranky, self absorbed douches[/quote]

As Richard Feynmann's first wife (dying of
tuberculosis at the time) said to him,

"What do [i]you[/i] care what other people think?"

Life is not a saccharine popularity contest -
unless you're a Kardashian or a Clinton. 

Sorry, they're not my role models - nor are
they going to be, any time soon.  Get used
to it.

I sure wish people wouldn't get their panties
in a bunch when they run across someone
who doesn't agree with them.  I don't [i]have[/i]
to agree with them.  I couldn't possibly care
less if they agreed with me.

I remember a couple years back, a guy
disagreed with me online - an airshow pilot
with four bars - and he shortly afterwards
crashed and burned.  I couldn't care less.
He's smart, I'm dumb and that's why he's
dead now and I'm still alive.
Tailwind W10
Posts: 110
Joined: Fri May 22, 2015 5:39 pm

[quote author=cloudrunner link=topic=119.msg279#msg279 date=1432631395]
[quote].... and correcting other people's spelling and grammar.

But seriously, doesn't the usual misuse of "to / too / two", "hangar / hanger", "there / their / they're" and "your / you're" not drive you absolutely bananas?  I manage to avoid posting a correction, but in my mind, I'm reaching through the internet and giving many a slap on the upside. ;D

Posts: 69
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 9:54 pm

Thanks for the clarification, Scud and others - I only drop in occasionally and was not aware of the "PC police". Haven't seen the censored posts so I can't comment, but I am not a fan of PC in general, but do have a problem with people who cry "silly PC" when others call them on racist comments
Air Mail
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 2:59 am

[quote author=ScudRunner link=topic=119.msg270#msg270 date=1432591872]
Well when I say I won't censor there are limits, I will not tolerate racism sexism or any form of bigotry. What I mean to be clear is if I don't agree with you or maybe don't like you I will not delete your posts or lock topics. If there is debate of a subject it will sometimes gets heated and that's not a bad thing.

Now I don't mean for people to test the limits, I just want everyone to feel that this forum is fair to all.

[color=blue]I absolutely agree, and I'm sure there'll be some bonehead who will try to test that or bait/troll others into it  ::)[/color]

I recall on Avcanada having spirited debates with others back when it first started, today those are shut down by the PC police or mods with grudges. This has resulted in a once great site being marginalized,  don't get me wrong there is still good content there and thus I will continue to post there.

[color=blue]I remember that too, I think it can be accomplished here  8)[/color]


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