Airplane and Housing bubble?

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The Dread Pilot Roberts
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You probably noticed housing prices are going nuts lately. But I’ve also noticed ridiculous prices for airplanes being asked.

Cessna 172s well north of 100k.
I’m not sure what’s fuelling this other than people are able to rent cheep money.

Housing prices going nuts here in Canada and the USA.

So when’s the bubble going to burst ?

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I've been complaining about this to my wife for days, I have been looking for a time builder to purchase after my PPL is done and its insane what people are asking.

I never thought about the cheap money thing, yoy may be onto something there.

Also, how is everyone doing? I've been gone for months again. Everyone well?
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The Dread Pilot Roberts
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Doing pretty good, happy to have a job.

It’s really strange in my opinion the economy is in the shitter but the fed and boC printing money.

I really think that any sort of ownership for aircraft will have to be a group effort going forward. Most private pilots don’t fly enough to really justify ownership but if you got the money why not.

However at these prices not really convinced it’s worth it. Guess I’ll have to get my kicks flying for money not paying to fly for fun.
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The Renaissance came after the black plague, the roaring twenties after the Spanish flue, what is coming
after covid not sure, but for most of the people who feel their lifes have been kidnapped by the pandemic,
doing the things that bring joy to life will be the priority
Maybe airplanes, flying, going places is part of that and if demand increases so will prices
At one of the local flying clubs there is a waiting list now just to become a member, not sure if related
to the present situation
As for the housing bubble, people staying and working from home is one of the factors, temporary low interest
rates and inflation, another.
There are only 3 kind of people in this world
Those that can add and those that can't
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It will go down again once some horror stories about expensive overhauls hit the forums. Once people realize that 100k cessna will need a 40-60k overhaul in 2 years, if not sooner, the enthousiasm will get tempered and prices will go down, probably below current market.

It's especially weird for the single engine cessna's though. You can have a variety of other models with better and cheaper performance, for much less.

Housing bubble is due to pop, I honestly thought it would pop due to covid, guess I was wrong.
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Michael Burry had plenty of evidence that the housing market was a massive bubble but it still took a couple years to finally pop.
For the market to behave the illogical way it has it makes a person wonder who (or what) is holding the strings. It seems too bizarre to be occurring naturally.

18% (nearly 1in5) U.S. dollars in circulation were printed last year - maybe that has something to do with it.
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My understanding is that it’s FTUs fueling the market for SE Cesnas
David MacRay
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Who knew this was going to happen? Not me.

Looks like I should have bought a couple of those cheap $50,000 C-172s last year and sold one this year. Free airplane!

Better yet sell them both and wait for the prices to come back down, use the profits to get a nicer one later.

Oh well I missed out on Bitcoin too. I almost bought $50 a few years ago. Could have, should have, would have..
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Heck a C 150 can have 6000 dollars worth of mags on it! I think money has already been devalued. Check out the price of a heated pitot tube, a magneto, Things have gone nuts.... specially aircraft parts. There has been a lot of consolidation in aircraft parts companies, and they have put prices towards military prices...
David MacRay
Posts: 817
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Yeah that’s true. I guess keep the free airplane in case the Canadian dollar does what the Zimbabwean dollars did.
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