Advice for a 250 hour pilot

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Apparently all we teach over here is 0/0 landings to 250 hour pilots. Take a read through this dumpster fire.

I’m just a right wing looney. I wish I could fly like the avcanada experts, oh well I’ll just solo a Pitts across the country with zero prior Pitts time and hope one day I could be as good as them. ... 4&start=50

Slick Goodlin
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Sometimes I wonder who hurt those people.
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My students, by the time they have 250TT, are ready to learn 0/0 landings.

I can't help if it the AssCan brain trust are both shitty pilots and shitty instructors.

Does someone want to tell them that even though I'm pretty stupid, I earn
more than the senior 5 AC pilots combined, after taxes and dollar conversion?

If they're so smart, why aren't they rich?
I ain't asking nobody for nothing, if I can't get it on my own.
Chuck Ellsworth
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They have permanently banned me from their site.....

....but in that I have more than one ISP I can still read it when ever I want.

Having read it I wish to share the secret to my having flown for over half a century for a living without ever having had an accident.

Unlike the experts on Avcanada who focus on good decision making skills I owe my success to the lucky horseshoe I shoved up my ass before every flight.

I have been retired now since Oct.2005 and it is very doubtful I will ever fly for a living

Would someone here who can post on Avcanada let them know I have decided to sell it to someone who wants to skip all that effort of relying on good decision making skills.

Thanks. Chuck E.
Chuck Ellsworth
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Does someone want to tell them that even though I'm pretty stupid, I earn
more than the senior 5 AC pilots combined, after taxes and dollar conversion?
The best I ever did pay wise was $60,000 for fifteen days flying in which I only had to fly just under fifteen hours.

But for some of the experts over there on Avcanada that has no meaning at all, they all make better than that.
Jack Baer

Ricky Gervais observed that noisy, nasty people on the internet are like
bums that live in dumpsters that scream at you when you walk by.

Why would you care what they thing?

TrashCan posters can't fly, can't teach and can't earn money. They sure
look like screaming bums in dumpsters from here.
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Typical AV C shit show. It's almost impossible to post there and have logical input. It always reduces to the lowest form. To many anal retentive assholes pick pepper out of fly shit. It seems there is a hard core group over there that prefer to be trolls. Too much social media and covid brain going on.
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
Roger Kint

Trolls look a lot like cowards.

This place is wide open. They know if they came here, they’d
get their asses handed to them, so they throw rocks from their
mommy’s basement.
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All you wannabes should just shut up....
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I wannabe a sex God but when you get to my age a semi erections all you get -
"black air has no lift - extra fuel has no weight"
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