The coronavirus debacle.

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Chuck Ellsworth
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If Biden does last long enough to have one on one debates with Trump it should be quite interesting to watch.

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Biden doesn't know what office he's running for. He doesn't know
what city he's in, or who's basement he's hiding in.

He's senile. The idea of making him the most powerful man in the
world for eight years is a joke.
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So far, Trump's response to the chaos has been erratic and inconsequential.
In crisis, people look for and follow anyone that is perceived to have a concrete
plan to restore order and prosperity,Trump doesn't seem to have one
This is the perfect storm with dissension in the GOP growing
If Trump doesn't come up very soon with some bold strategy to make America great
right now, he may not even last until November
Remember what happened to Harper,it doesn't matter how good PM you are,
In the US a lot of people are hurting and they don't care the virus isn't Trumps fault
They will elect the dogs catcher if they perceive a change to the present situation
Unfortunately ,Americans don't seem to be any smarter than Canadians
There are only 3 kind of people in this world
Those that can add and those that can't
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Trump's response to the chaos has been erratic and inconsequential.
POTUS doesn't have the constitutional authority to send in federal troops
to restore order without a State's Governor's blessing.

Given that the Governors of those blue states are communists that are attempting
to destroy their country before November, that probably isn't going to happen.

Should Trump act unilaterally as Emperor and send in the troops? That
would be an impeachable offence, and the Left would have won.

So, Trump doesn't send in the troops and you shit on him. Trump sends in the
troops and Pelosi and Schumer have multiple orgasms with another impeachment
and he is removed from office. Is that what you want? Another impeachment?


There are red states, and there are blue states

Red states such as FL and TX have opened up after the #fakevirus and have much
less of a problem with riots.

Blue states such as NY and CA are still shut down with the #fakevirus and have
terrible problems with riots.

Note that red states are fine. Blue states are toilets. This is not a coincidence,
and you will not hear about it in the mainstream media, because they ignore
facts that do not align with their narratives that they are pushing.

Every place the Left seizes power, turns to shit. East Germany. Cambodia.
North Korea. Venezuela. New York. California.

This is not hard to understand.

Keep in mind that the smart money in the 2016 election was betting 99:1
on Hilary. That's what happens when you have an echo chamber of left-wing
politicians, bureaucrats, media and academics. We have this little thing called
the Electoral College, that they are unaware of, because their never leave their
bubbles or talk to anyone that doesn't violently agree with them.
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I find that politics and in particular democratic countries have a real problem finding great and good men to stand for office like president or prime minister. Canada has no had a good leader for many years and I'm hard pressed to remember even one and the USA well Obama seems like he came pretty close even if you don't agree with his politics. He is a smart, articulate and appeals to many people and he had the political smarts to to achive his popularity. Even Clinton, baring his moral antics was a smart guy and got things done. I know the republicans would not agree with me but I'm judging the man and not the politics. Trump is a bully and a loose cannon and I think has reduced america's standing in the world. He has gone back to carry the big stick era, maybe not sending men to war but in the world of business and commerce he is wielding it everyday with threats and tariffs. What is his next step in his journey. That is what concerns me.

Simply put good and honest men are rare in politics.
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Obama was the most corrupt President in living memory.

Objectively, his actions make Richard Nixon look like a choirboy.

I tell people: if you don't like Trump, stop voting for him.
the republicans would not agree with me
ummm ... Trump is not a Republican. I'm amazed you don't know
that. The Republicans fucking hate Trump. Look at what Mitt
Romney says about him. John McCain hated Trump so much, he
wouldn't let him attend his funeral. During the 2016 election,
the Republican governors refused to endorse him. Unprecedented.

The very first thing Trump did, was defeat and eviscerate the
Republican Party. They hate him for it. Trump then went on to
defeat the combined forces of the Left politicians, the Left media,
the Left academics and the Left bureaucrats, who might just end
up doing a little bit of time in jail, with some luck.

Feel free to hate Trump. Orange man bad. Got it. But half of
the nation, which was being screwed by the Left, wanted him in.

The Left has used unending, amusingly fact-free narratives to try
to bring his Presidency down.

Let's start with Russia Collusion. For three years, all I heard was
screeching that Trump was a Russian agent. And it all vaporized
with the pitiful Mueller Report which showed that it was all a
complete farce. Nothing but lies from CNN, MSNBC and ABC for
three years.

Then we had the Kavanaugh confirmation. The Left claimed that
the future Supreme Court Justice regularly drugged and gang-raped
women. A very nasty, and completely fact-free narrative which
has completely vanished.

Then we had the Ukraine phone call. Trump stunned the Democrats
by releasing the transcripts, but the Democrats were so crazed with
hate and anger, they pursued a purely political - check the votes -
impeachment. It vanished, after all the noise and fury.

Then the Democrats were handed Coronavirus. Finally, they had
something to take down the President with. See, the economy
was roaring - a real problem for the Left. Bill Maher said "We need
a recession" and the totally unnecessary shutdown by the Left did
exactly that. But it turns out the Coronavirus was fake. This is a
problem for the Left - they want people to hurt and die, so the Left
can seize power.

So, they moved on to the next crisis, to damage the country. See,
they need to damage the country so it's in bad shape in November,
so they can blame Trump for what they did, and win the election.

This really isn't very hard to understand. The Left's playbook is
pretty straightforward. Do something horrible, and blame the other
side for it. They are frightening people - so filled with hate and
anger and rage. Every day of their lives is consumed with "Orange Man Bad".

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I'm sure the CBC doesn't give that much airtime.
Chuck Ellsworth
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Was out shopping today and everywhere I went there was those lines on the floor to keep people 6 feet apart and thus virus free.

There are zero cases of the virus on Vancouver Island, so is that proof that social distancing works?

Or is it proof that the general population are brain dead thus they can be driven to do anything through fear by those in power?

What I am waiting for is zero cases of the clap so I don't have to wear condoms along with a mask to sport fuck.
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Apparently Coronavirus is "woke" ... it will infect law-abiding tax-paying citizens
that try to open their businesses, but not rioters and looters who are destroying
the cities.

I can't believe people buy into that Leftist nonsense. Talk to me about Supreme
Court Justice gang rapes and Russia Collusion. All bullshit nonsense from the
CBC and their ilk.
Chuck Ellsworth
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Liberalism is a mental illness.
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