The coronavirus debacle.

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An Indian woman was allegedly gang raped where she had been quarantined for a night by the police amid the nationwide coronavirus lockdown, a police official said on Sunday.

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As the coronavirus shutdown drags on, backed by the work-from-home elitists on TV, the majority of Americans who can't make a living from their laptop are screaming, "What do we have to do to get our leaders to follow the data and the science?"

Here's the data: 21 percent of New York City residents have had coronavirus, nearly half a million in Los Angeles. In Santa Clara County, California, up to 85 times more people have had it then the official statistics claimed.

The fatality rate, therefore, is not the 3.4 percent or 2 percent or 1 percent we were told. It's closer to 0.01 percent.
Most didn't know they had it. Eighty percent have mild or zero symptoms. That's more than you can say for the victims of the shutdown. Their toll is rising every day.

Economic hardship causes death.

Here's what else causes death: Millions of medical procedures cancelled because of wildly inaccurate coronavirus projections.

Just one example: In the state of Arkansas recently, there were 80 people in hospital with coronavirus and 8,000 empty beds.

We know who's at risk and how to protect them. Why aren't our leaders surging medical capacity and equipment to our nursing homes and care facilities, where the greatest generation is so obviously vulnerable?

I'll tell you why. Because they're too busy putting sand in skate parks, flying creepy surveillance drones, and worst of all, hiring armies of busybody contact traitors to implement this idiotic, unscientific reckless establishment groupthink

Most Americans, according to the data, have nothing to fear from coronavirus
I say again:

The reaction to this seasonal flu is causing far more damage, than the flu itself.

You are forgiven if you now think of the four bar of Colgan 3407, who after stalling reacted by
pulling back so hard on his control column - and holding it there - he snap-rolled his dash 8,
until everyone on board died. And the four bar of AF447, that held the stick all the way back
for 3.5 minutes until impact with the ocean, killing everyone on board.

I know it makes you feel good to do something. But sometimes, that has terrible consequences.

John Swallow
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I am ever astounded by the depth of knowledge exhibited on this means concerning economics, science, and health...

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You must be very proud to have a former substitute drama teacher as PM
that says today he is confused by science.

With leadership like that, the sky is the limit!

EDIT: I keep forgetting that Canadians don't like money. Apologies! ... m-industry
Our economy is basically 90 per cent based on tourism, directly and indirectly, so our town has ground to a halt.

It’s a very serious situation,” said Jason Darrah with the Town of Banff.

The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on Banff has far wider effects. Annually, on average, Banff’s tourism industry contributes more than $3 billion to the provincial economy.

Nearly $470 million in federal and $250 million in provincial tax is generated from the town.
See, even if you don't like money, what happens when tax revenue goes down,
and the government spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave?
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Canada’s malls are facing a wave of skipped rents and could see vacancy rates triple by year-end, with the coronavirus poised to leave its scars on a fragile retail sector long after the pandemic ends.

In the country’s enclosed regional malls — a category that includes Toronto’s Eaton Centre and Pacific Centre in Vancouver — only 20 per cent to 25 per cent of tenants paid rent in April, according to brokerage firm JLL Canada. Big box shopping centres and community strip malls took in only a little over half their expected rent.

“I’ve been in this business over 30 years and I have never seen anything as catastrophic or as impactful in a negative way in our business,” Tim Sanderson, who heads retail at JLL Canada, said in an interview. “It’s the mid-tier smaller-scale landlord that cannot make their mortgage payments to their lender that are going to be in trouble.”

“Many retailers are in trouble,” Roelof van Dijk, director of Canadian market analytics at CoStar Group Inc., a real estate research firm. “I think when we get to the other side of this, there’s a real reckoning to be had.”
I can't believe we're going to kill the economy because of the yearly flu.

I say again:

The reaction to this seasonal flu is causing far more damage, than the flu itself.
Chuck Ellsworth
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The reaction to this seasonal flu is causing far more damage, than the flu itself.
Exactly, if it was selective and culled the herd of the mentally challenged it could be called the Darwin flue. :mrgreen:
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Colonel wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:18 pm
It's important to remember that over 95% of the deaths attributed to this yearly flu,
(in a pitiful attempt to lie and pump up the numerator) suffered from serious underlying
illnesses and would have died in the next year anyways.

Every year, the seasonal flu comes along and kills the really old and really sick. This
might be sad, but it's nothing new.

It might be fashionable to kill the world's economy so we can slightly prolong the lives
of the terminally ill, but it's strange that people have just noticed that we have a yearly
flu. You know. Every year. That kills hundreds of thousands of really sick and old people.

Some years, more people die from the yearly flu. Some years, fewer people die from
the yearly flu.

Jesus Christ, it's like everyone was born yesterday. You have to be awfully stupid to buy
into the crap where they pump up the numerator, and try to cut down the denominator,
in a pitiful attempt to make this stupid fucking yearly flu more dangerous than it really
is, so they can seize power.

That's what this is all about. Power. This has nothing to do with science, or even
Assuming the above is true, how do you explain the situation in Italy and Spain where the intensive care units can't deal with the Covid patients?
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Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte outlined plans on Sunday to cautiously reopen parts of Italy,
with manufacturing and construction set to start back on May 4, followed by shops on May 14.
According to Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health,
the country’s mortality rate is far higher due to demographics - the nation has the second oldest population worldwide -
and the manner in which hospitals record deaths.

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is "very generous" in the sense that
all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."
If 1% of a cause of death can be attributed to coronavirus, it's 100% a coronavirus death.

I call BS on that.

Every month you shut down the country, kills between 10% and 20% of the economy.

Do you have any idea how financially screwed Canada is going to be at the end of this?
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Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, Calif.

ER doctors now [say] 'It's interesting when I'm writing about my death report, I'm being pressured to add COVID. Why is that?

"Something else is going on here. This is not about science and it's not even about COVID.

When [authorities] use the word 'safe' -- if you listen to the word 'safe', that's about controlling you.

he has looked to Sweden, where the restrictions imposed to fight the coronavirus have been far less sweeping than those instituted by Sweden's European neighbors.

"They've some basic social distancing and [a] doctor just finished doing a report where he said there's really not a lot of science backing these techniques," he said.

"And if you look at their numbers: 200 deaths per million compared to ours, [which is] about the same.

Italy's [is] about 400 per million and Spain is about 400 per million, so we are looking at this going, 'OK, they took a completely different approach and their results are basically the same.'""
At some point people will realize:

1) the death rate is a function of the pre-existing health condition of a country's
population, not their action taken

2) the wrong action taken - which makes no difference whatsoever to the number
of deaths - comes with a crippling cost to 99.98% of the population.

What we are doing is failing a very basic cost/benefit analysis.

I know four things to be true:

1) Russia Collusion was a monstrous hoax
2) Kavanaugh did not drug and gang-rape women on the weekends
3) the Ukraine phone call was not an impeachable offence
4) Coronavirus is not Ebola

I understand these are not popular opinions in Canada, which is going to badly
suffer for years from this mishandling.
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The lawsuit filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California contends the permit denials violate the First Amendment, while noting the Capitol in Sacramento has hosted a variety of demonstrations.

Newsom ordered CHP to temporarily stop granting permits for protests at the Capitol and other properties following an April 20 demonstration against his stay-at-home order.
This is about POWER.

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