Hillary can’t take the fifth

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JW Scud
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https://www.foxnews.com/media/judge-nap ... lliam-barr

She has to testify about the email deletion but the statute of limitations has expired meaning they can’t prosecute. That is good. She can no longer take the fifth for protection but can be prosecuted for lying and has to answer.

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Isn't it convenient for the Elites, that this was neglected until after the statute of limitations ran out.

It doesn't matter. She will lie under oath and claim that she doesn't remember anything, and that it
was a long time ago, and she's an old woman with failing memory about details from long ago.

Memory and back pain. A lot of lies get told about them.
45 / 47 => 95 3/4%
Chuck Ellsworth
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A picture of Hillary on your bedroom wall would be an excellent birth control tool.

You would never get hard looking at it.
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What's wrong with a mature woman Chuck --- LMFAAAOOOOooooo

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