Kobe Bryant dead in helicopter crash

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Nobody mentions why he didn't fly IFR and get on top of that crap.

The S-76 is a very capable IFR aircraft, news reports say the pilot had an ATP,
so I presume the destination was below IFR limits, so he decided to fly VFR
into rising terrain.

John Swallow
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I think he was carrying too much speed... Having "been there and done that", I would have been 'winkling' along at 40 - 50 knots which would allow a 'quick stop' and/or a turn around if untenable conditions had been encountered.
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Quite possibly he was being screamed at that they were late, and to hurry up.

No one remembers Fox Harbor, and the three day old Global 5000 that crashed there.

Certainly no one gives a shit that the BRF helicopter pilot quit. Why was that, again?

How many people here have been fired before they landed?

Takes balls to go home to your wife and tell them that you won't be making the
mortgage payment next month.

No pressure. No pressure at all.

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So. He wasn't allowed to file IFR. So, to obey the rules, everybody on board died.

The people who make and enforce the rules must be happy about all the people
they helped kill. Regulatory compliance is more important than safety. Got that,
I've had two different TC Inspectors try to kill me.

Shoulda landed at Glendale and called an Uber, but then he wouldn't be able to
make next month's mortgage payment.

The difference between the living and the dead, is that the living are willing to
make that call and hurt some feelings. I know that everyone in aviation today
thinks that not hurting feelings is more important than safety, but I must respectfully
disagree, as a cranky old 20th century pilot that is still alive.

Remember what Chuck says - no one ever died because he wouldn't fly.

And I know I'm really stupid, but

There will be no new causes of aviation accidents in 2020

VFR into bad wx. That's a new one.
Chuck Ellsworth
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Remember what Chuck says - no one ever died because he wouldn't fly
And I am quite confident that is part of the reason I am still alive.

I lost several jobs because I refused to fly, they told me to either fly or look for a new job.

The choice was easy, I just walked away and went home.
Slick Throwaway
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Colonel wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:33 pm
Nobody mentions why he didn't fly IFR and get on top of that crap.
Probably because he knew he was guaranteed to get in trouble for that. Either with the FAA for popping into IFR airspace, or the client for not getting to the destination, or both.

Getting in trouble is better than getting dead, but a lot of people don’t consider dead as a possibility.
John Swallow
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He couldn't go IFR because the operation was VFR only. Now, as a CFII, that would not preclude him for clawing for altitude, confessing his sin, requesting an IFR clearance, and dealing with the repercussions later. Indeed, he may have attempted to do so, but lost control.

If you've got the time, the following is a discussion about the accident...

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get in trouble
Who gives a fuck? I don't understand that people would rather die than get a nasty letter in the mail.

Do people really think that Arlo or Rotten Ronnie is going to show up with a pistol at their house and
start shooting? Personally, I'd have a hell of a lot of fun if TC decided to make my day and stage a
home invasion like they did with that Tribunal Judge in Nova Scotia, but it's really not very likely.

Anyone remember the Russian that showed up at the Swiss ATC's house and killed him after the crash
killed his family? Nah.

a lot of people don’t consider dead as a possibility
Ok, I'll try to keep it simple. Every student pilot should know that as soon as you get 100 feet of
altitude (or more), or 100 mph of airspeed (or more), becoming dead is quite possible.

Most of my friends are dead. I guess it's just coincidence that I'm not. I have no illusions,
and no arrogance. I'm not better than everyone else. I too, will die in an airplane some day,
and everyone can rejoice. Remember what Slim said, about flying the mail.
Eric Janson
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Chuck Ellsworth wrote:
Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:27 am
My only comment on the speed/altitude graph shown in some reports is that I would have been a 100 knots slower...
That is the most puzzling thing about this to me as well, if in fact he was flying as fast as reported.
Some speculation on PPRuNe is that the holding may have made the passengers late getting to their destination. Pilot would have been aware of this.

The high speed may have resulted in an inadvertent entry into IMC conditions - followed by LOC. We may never know for sure.
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