Another why.

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Chuck Ellsworth

Why does T.C. force the industry to pay through the nose for insurance for the five solo take off's and landings for the sea plane rating?

Would it not make more sense to require an independent flight test for the rating?

Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

Just because they can Chuck. They don't feel they need a reason for anything they do.
Chuck Ellsworth

Yes, you are correct they are a law unto their own, however in a true democracy they would not get away with being a law unto their own. Sadly Canada is a dictatorship.

The utter stupidity in the way they make these rules that vary from one rating to another is breath taking.

If five solo take off's and landings are required for the sea plane rating why do they not require five  solo take off's and landings for the multi engine rating?

Why do they not require five solo approaches and landings in IMC weather for the Instrument Rating?

Instead they require a flight they should.

Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:55 am

I agree with you on the flight test. Problem is, who will do the testing? I doubt if there are any qualified TC examiners with a seaplane endorsement. Any other ideas they come up with will open that other can of worms. When you come up to Rupert, I can regale you with some TC stupidity that is currently in vogue with a certain department in TC, which will remain unnamed on an open  forum.
Chuck Ellsworth

Ahh yes for sure we can share our thoughts on the industry.

We both know a real gem who works for TC.

In any other industry he would be unemployable.

I am surprised someone has not beat the shit out of him, problem is he is not worth the sentence you would get for doing it.
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:15 am

Getting back on topic...

I agree Chuck, the whole 5 take-offs/landings to issue a float rating is a joke. (The insurance companies after all won't cover most without an indemnification of some sort... Gee, I wonder why?!!)

Let's face it, the 7 hour seaplane rating as set forth by T.C is a bloody joke. As a seaplane owner, whom has given lots of instruction to friends of mine on my aircraft  (7 hours and more to some but no solo's to gain the rating) I know damn well that I wouldn't allow any of them to take my "ship" out solo.
Shit, if my insurer wouldn't allow it... Why should I even consider the liability not to mention my own conscience to allow such a disaster to occur in the first place!

The FAA is light years ahead on this subject, but alas they are also far behind the 8 ball although not that far ahead as the folks at TC.
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