TC Revoking Canadian Citizenship

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Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I get it that TC can revoke a pilot licence any time it wants, for no reason.

Where in the Aeronautics Act is TC empowered to disenfranchise citizens?

Spent four days in Canada this year, being hassled by TC.  Had an interesting

Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

I dont think you have much to be concerned about.

True story....a TC enforcement type told an RCMP officer, that he (TCguy) was doing a-fraud investigation on a company. 
The RCMP officer was a bit surprised that TC was doing a criminal investigation  in his community,  and  actually made a phone call to TC.

Was told by TC higher up:
1.  That the inspector was just being enthusiastic and,
2.  they were going to get the company....even if they had done nothing wrong....basically just because they didnt like them...

And the reason discovered was because the owner had called out TC and embarrassed them...

The lesson being do not pay much attention to a TC threat.

Good luck anyway.
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Get an Alberta passport
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

I have an Alberta Birth Certificate:  RCAF Station Cold Lake. 
Will that work?

TC can permanently revoke my Cdn ATPL anytime, for no reason,
and I'm cool with that.  I can fly just fine on my FAA ATP.

I shall be interested to see the DOJ paper on their attempt to revoke my
Canadian citizenship.  Nowhere in the Aeronautics Act is this referenced.
Posts: 338
Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:04 pm

Not to worry,if you have a problem go see the PM
Tell him Omar sent you
Don't forget a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian
Chuck Ellsworth

Tell them you carry a bunch of pictures of Mr. Dress-up in his Indian garb in your wallet and you smoke dope all the time just like him so if you ever produce any children they will be idiots just like him.

Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

What does it say about Canadians when he got a second term as Prime Minister.?

Or that the Greens actually elected members of parliament .

If you watch him on the news, no more funny socks.  No cultural garb.  Prime minister Butts must be so proud of his puppet.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

By definition, [u]half of the population has a double - or single - digit IQ[/u].  And, they have the same vote
as someone with an IQ of 160.  Hmmm.

I think democracy is a great idea.  But I think giving everyone a vote merely for turning 18 is monstrously stupid.

You even need to do a test, to get a driver's licence.  Two of them, in fact.  But there is no test required to get a vote.

Personally, I think governments are all about spending money.  You don't have to pay taxes.  But if you
do, maybe it would be fair to have a say, in how the government is spending your money.

I have proposed before that you get one vote for every $10,000 of taxes you paid last year.  I think that
is very fair.  This drives the Left wild, of course, because they rely on votes from people who aren't too
bright and don't work very hard.

For people that don't believe that democracy should be a meritocracy, perhaps we do need a test to get your
vote.  How about a SAT test?  That's a standardized test that they give to high school graduates when they're
turning 18, correct?

800/800 is (or used to be) perfect on the math/verbal SAT.  Pretty hard to get unless your Hollywood parents
are paying off the proctors, which is the usual trick of the Elites.

How about we require people to get 700/700 (1400) on the SAT, to earn a vote?  That seems pretty reasonable.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen, whom I am sure Transport Canada think are pretty stupid, got 1590 and 1600 respectively,
and even a stupid dope-smoking musician called Huey Lewis got 800 on the math SAT, so how hard can it be?

Anyways, when the TC paper from DOJ arrives revoking my citizenship, I'll scan it in and put it up here.  In the
mean time, I will continue my policy of staying at least 1,000 miles away from Canada at all times.
John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

[color=rgb(91, 91, 91)][quote]"I have proposed before that you get one vote for every $10,000 of taxes you paid last year."[/quote]

[color=rgb(91, 91, 91)]Due to the fact that I am able to deduct the cost of full time care for my wife, I pay less than $10000 in taxes a year.[/color]
[color=rgb(91, 91, 91)][/color]
[b] I don't get to vote...?  [/b]
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

If it helps, as an ex-pat I don't get to vote either.

To be honest, it didn't make much difference when I did.
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