AC Near crash SFO - NOTAMS are a bunch of Garbage and pilot fatigue

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Digits:  Can you and your pals do me a favor?

[b][size=1.45em]DIAL IN THE FUCKING LOCALIZER[/size][/b]

I know it's tricky, but it will do a world of good.  Thanks,


[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9098.msg24987#msg24987 date=1538322068]
Digits:  Can you and your pals do me a favor?

[b][size=1.45em]DIAL IN THE FUCKING LOCALIZER[/size][/b]

I know it's tricky, but it will do a world of good.  Thanks,
If I ever fly an airliner, I'll pass it on.
Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

[quote author=digits link=topic=9098.msg24990#msg24990 date=1538338115]
[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9098.msg24987#msg24987 date=1538322068]
Digits:  Can you and your pals do me a favor?

[b][size=1.45em]DIAL IN THE FUCKING LOCALIZER[/size][/b]

I know it's tricky, but it will do a world of good.  Thanks,
If I ever fly an airliner, I'll pass it on.

And this is dumb advice for a PPL at night, at an unfamiliar airport?

I've done it many times. Why not?


[quote author=Rookie Pilot link=topic=9098.msg24993#msg24993 date=1538350142]
[quote author=digits link=topic=9098.msg24990#msg24990 date=1538338115]
[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9098.msg24987#msg24987 date=1538322068]
Digits:  Can you and your pals do me a favor?

[b][size=1.45em]DIAL IN THE FUCKING LOCALIZER[/size][/b]

I know it's tricky, but it will do a world of good.  Thanks,
If I ever fly an airliner, I'll pass it on.

And this is dumb advice for a PPL at night, at an unfamiliar airport?

I've done it many times. Why not?
Given CS's post history, it is extremely likely the message is addressed to the "four bar" airline pilots.
And nobody called it dumb advice.

Oh, and the last plane I flew didn't even have a localizer, makes it a bit hard to dial it in. The airport didn't have an ILS either, so out of luck there as well.

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]The airport didn't have an ILS either[/quote]

I have a dream, and it is that pilots start seeing the
value of dialling in the fucking loc freq.

See, once pilots learn the value of horizontal and vertical
guidance on final ....

They can learn about GPS, which can be used to synthesize
a LOC/GS [i]anywhere[/i].

I am not making this up.  Using GPS, you can create a
precision approach at [i]any[/i] airport.

This is not a fantasy.  IMHO, it is madness for part 121 aircraft
to [b]not[/b] have WAAS/GPS and LPV at every runway at every
airport they utilize.

[quote]the last plane I flew didn't even have a localizer[/quote]

Every flown a Pitts?  I flew one today, and it doesn't even have
a fucking VSI, let alone an AI or DG or VOR or HSI or any of
that shit in the panel.

But I use this thing called "GPS" and it's [i]amazing[/i].  You should
try it, sometime.  It took me [b]right to the runway[/b].  Maybe AC pilots
could start using it.

Here's another secret for pilots:  Now that you've discovered this
"ILS" and "GPS" thing ... you don't even need a GPS unit!

Really simple.  You know that "phone" thing that you use to update
your facebook every 5 minutes, in flight?  Here's a better use for it.
Instead of taking your stupid fucking selfies, do this instead:

[img width=304 height=500][/img]

Surprise!  Your fucking phone has a GPS!  Use your fucking phone
to find the fucking runway, even if your aircraft doesn't have a
fucking ILS.

Jesus Christ, people.  You think you're worth $300,000 per year?

On what fucking planet?

Did one single fucking person learn [i]anything[/i] from Alert in 1991?
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9098.msg24995#msg24995 date=1538355378]
[quote]The airport didn't have an ILS either[/quote]

I have a dream, and it is that pilots start seeing the
value of dialling in the fucking loc freq.

See, once pilots learn the value of horizontal and vertical
guidance on final ....

They can learn about GPS, which can be used to synthesize
a LOC/GS [i]anywhere[/i].

I am not making this up.  Using GPS, you can create a
precision approach at [i]any[/i] airport.

This is not a fantasy.  IMHO, it is madness for part 121 aircraft
to not have WAAS/GPS and LPV at every airport they fly to.

But then again, I'm not too bright.
This sounds very simple - unfortunately it isn't quite so simple in the airbus. We use the same APPR button for flying a Non Precision approach and an ILS.

It's one or the other - doing anything else will generate a lot of distracting messages which you don't want close to the ground. There is a work around but it requires some thinking and planning which companies don't want. They want a "one size fits all" procedure for each type of approach.
Progress is painfully slow in the Airline world. You wouldn't believe the hoops my company had to jump through to get iPads approved for use in the cockpit. Apple testing and the fact everybody has been using them for years wasn't good enough. My company had to repeat things like the battery test using one iPad from each batch. The entire process took close to 5 years - I swear this is all true!
We only have LNAV/VNAV approval even though the aircraft is fully capable of LPV. Again a very slow process getting certification.

Retrofitting isn't going to happen - the costs as a % of the residual aircraft value are prohibitive.
I operated long Oceanic flights for the better part of a year without a working SATCOM system. Weather had to obtained via HF VOLMET - none of which we could receive clearly or they weren't working at all. No way to contact our company or them to contact us inflight - you're on your own in the dark over the Ocean miles from any airport.

Of course if anything happens I'll be the one who gets crucified!
Lowest altitude in SFO was 59' during the go-around. Top of the fin of the A340 is 55' - they flew over the A340 in a [b]descent. [/b]
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote]unfortunately it isn't quite so simple in the airbus[/quote]

Sounds like a real piece of shit.  I will take your word on that.
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=9098.msg24999#msg24999 date=1538371987]
[quote]unfortunately it isn't quite so simple in the airbus[/quote]

Sounds like a real piece of shit.  I will take your word on that.
It has to be flown according the the manufacturers procedures. Anything else - strange things start to happen.

There are 3 levels of automation and manual flying - the trick is to know what the best option is for a given situation. I've had a First Officer frantically pushing buttons after a false Localiser capture when the correct (easiest) procedure is to disconnect and fly manually. People just will not disconnect things anymore.....

It all works fine for 99% of the Approaches - the 1% is where you need to watch out. Like Westjet in St. Maarten - this approach was the 1% where the standard procedures are not the best way to fly it.
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Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Friends of mine - long retired from AC - had the Airbus foisted upon
them by Brian Mulroney, whom as sitting PM took a $500,000 cash
kickback per airframe from Airbus.  Really.  Look it up.

Anyways, I have been told by multiple sources that they learned to
pop circuit breakers at appropriate moments, to stop the Airbus from
doing really stupid things.

What a piece of euro-trash.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:34 pm

[quote][size=2][font=Verdana]Did one single fucking person learn [/font][font=Verdana]anything[/font][font=Verdana] from Alert in 1991?[/font][/size][/quote]

For most of these guys that will go over their head but a classic example of "fuck the instruments" I got the runway in sight lets just look out the window. Ironically the military refused civilian help and more people died than there should have. 

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