LoVis Helicoptor Ops

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Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

This has been making the rounds

It's special forces and I guess they need to be able to operate anywhere anytime - looks pretty risky.
Nark - any comments?


Hard to say. 

I’m guessing more like a awww fuck, we went inadvertent IMC. And shot a GPS approach to a point. 

I’ve heard of a unit, that may or may not have some pretty accurate maps and precise GPS/INS equipment that can fly 0/0 missions, under the valley ridge lines.  Perhaps. 
Eric Janson
Posts: 412
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:31 am

I would have guessed some sort of synthetic vision.

Driving a car in those conditions is difficult enough.

I’m leaning towards the inadvertent IMC.  It looks like they’re following the road through that valley.  I don’t know the area, nor the avionics package of that bird. 

I’m fairly certain the Brits use a different larger, uglier helicopter for their SAS bubbas.

Actually it looks like a civvie paint job on the chopper to me. I guess it could being used for "undercover" flying training but not sure how they know it's the SAS. "Special forces" can mean anything these days, everything from the 1Para, the SBS or even the Royal Marines.
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