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Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

.....or at least grace us with another exotic story. 
Feet up coffee ready.  O0

Chuck Ellsworth


I eventually, or hopefully will go back to work on a book.

However at this time I am way into a major renovation on my house and it will probaly take the rest of the summer to finish.

When I think about it there probably could be an interesting book written about the things I experienced during my career if for no other reason than it covered such an interesting period of aviation starting from before any of today's aids that are taken for granted such as VOR, GPS and all the modern computer generated aids for pilots.

And of course the old technology aircraft, when I started we still had biplanes in the training industry and for airline flying the DC3 was cutting edge technology.

So yeh, there could be a book written.  :) 

[font=verdana]To really do it justice I should get the help of someone who understands how to write a book.

Rookie Pilot
Posts: 404
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

I'd love to, (I've just started my own) but have so many projects I can't even see straight.

A few thoughts:  Break it into sections.

Start with your history. Family history, learning to fly, Ect.

Next "the beginning".  Crop dusting, or however you started.
"the great arctic".  Flying up north.
"The plains of Africa."
"The modern era".

.....moving forward as a timeline. Explaining the changes that occurred, weaving that into chapters.

It's easy for me to see a book here.

Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

You are a busy busy person.  Are you building the Thatcher?  Teaching float flying.  Working on your house, and planning a book.
That is pretty amazing...

It makes me feel that going to replace the propane tank on the barbeque as my week’s complete to do list is a bit lacking.

The book should be interesting.
Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]  Are you building the Thatcher?[/quote]

[font=verdana]I have bought the plans and built the work bench, however the project is on hold because the wife wants the renovations on the house finished,[/font]

[quote][font=verdana][font=Verdana][size=78%] Teaching float flying.[/size][/font][/font][/quote][font=verdana]

[font=Verdana]I still do not have my pilots license renewed as I am waiting for T.C. to accept or reject my medical, it has been close to two months since I did the medical so who knows when or if they will reply.[/font][/font]

Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Good luck on the medical....a bit unfair to  take two two months to process on a six month medical.....did the Dr. not stamp it?  In any event , best of luck with it.

Chuck Ellsworth

[quote]Good luck on the medical....a bit unfair to  take two two months to process on a six month medical..[/quote]

[font=verdana]It is more than unfair it is unacceptable, and to add insult to injury they have the gall to charge $55.00 for their ineptitude.[/font]

[quote]...did the Dr. not stamp it?[/quote][font=verdana] [/font]

[font=verdana]The doctor would not stamp an invalid license as it had expired on July 01 2015.[/font]

[font=verdana]I am not going to go to the bother and expense of getting a new license document if I don't know if I passed the medical.[/font]
Rosco P Coltrane
Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:46 pm

Did they invoice you? I thought they only did that after you passed a medical.
Chuck Ellsworth

No they have not invoiced me.

It has been two months since I had the medical and I have not had any communication from them yet.

Also it has been a long time since I had a medical done in Canada so I have no idea of how long it takes to get a decision on if I passed or not.

Fortunately I do not need a pilots license to earn a living anymore.

Actually I am wondering why I bothered to try and reinstate my license.
Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

Just go flying.  Either

1) you [i]will[/i] get back a licence in the future, so you won't care, or

2) you [i]won't[/i] get back a licence in the future, so you won't care.

I'll be available for autographs later.

Seriously, anyone from TC talks to you, just ask them when I get back
my laptop and iPhone that they stole.
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