Oh crap the NDP is looking to help Transport Canada

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Posts: 1349
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:08 pm

Yes comrades I think we should all feel great pride the NDP is there to save us from Transport Canada!

[url=https://globalnews.ca/news/4066244/pilo ... ne-safety/]https://globalnews.ca/news/4066244/pilo ... ne-safety/[/url]


John Swallow
Posts: 319
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:58 pm

What Mr McConnell fails to mention is that all flight tests on TC Inspectors are conducted "In House" by company check pilots.  The same type of company check pilot denigrated by Mr McConnell.  What is the failure rate of TC Inspectors...?

I was a check pilot in the RCAF and was awarded that designtation after a six-week course.  The TC course to acquire the same designation (if one still exists) is measured in hours. 

Having been a TC Inspector and a corporate pilot, "Company Check Pilot" results are grounded a bit more in reality than the TC results. 

TC tests these days are conducted by Inspectors whose proficiency pales in comparison to that of Company Check Pilots conducting the same test.  And this may be reflected in the slight difference between test results.  Because that's all there is:  a slight difference. 

However, I will agree with Mr McConnell on one point:  there DOES need to be more Inspectors.  To answer the phones and do the damn paper work!  (;>0)

PS  However, you don't need people at the level of inspector to do that...
Trey Kule
Posts: 250
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:19 am

Failure rate of TC inspectors!  That is such a good question that it might be worth my trouble to file FOI request for those numbers.  I am more than a bit curious.
Particularily as TC had an unusual spike in failures one year...about twice the median.  To me this says more about who is doing the testing and not who is being tested.

Btw., while you do not need more inspector level employees to answer phones and do paperwork, you failed to mention that those employees must be gender, race, and religiously diverse, as well as agreeing to a pro abortion policy.  Aviation experience not required,

And, come to think of it, who ever  answers phones at TC?

Posts: 3450
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:31 am

[quote] there DOES need to be more Inspectors[/quote]

Uh, no.  Big government != better government

When I lived in Canada, I bet I had at least four TC Inspectors
in Ontario Region assigned to chase me around, hide behind the
hangars and take pictures, prepare paper for the next court case,

Same thing with the AN-2 in Atlantic Region.

Same thing with Chuck in Pacific Region.

Is it time for me to tell the story again, about the blackout in
Ottawa, and 95% of the civil servants stayed home, and the
President of the Treasury Board announced that there would
be no change to the level of service provided to citizens?

I'm getting tired of the BS about how inefficient public sector
needs to get bigger.  Uh, no.  Wrong direction.
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