I'm an unpatriotic Canadian, I want bombardier to fail.

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Rookie Pilot
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Not exactly.

I think the entire management team and board should be fired, and I don't want to give them a dime.

Most people strangely think giving the existing CEO 10 million for incompetence is just great, and a Canadian thing to do. Never mind he's wrecked the company.

Three Bars
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Colonel is that you?

Normally when the post is 'Canadians do this/love this/etc' it's a topic where NO Canadian is on record for saying or doing that and no Canadian I know of fully agrees with it.  It's also out of Canadians control since things like this aren't up to a public vote.

Do I think Bombardier should get federal loans or subsidies?  Yes. No different than Airbus getting the same or Boeing in the form of bloated cost-plus military contracts to finance their private ventures. Anything Canada can do to get out of the banana republic economy of selling resources at cut rate prices is worth doing.

Do I agree with executives cutting themselves huge cheques for incompetence?  No.  This Canadian and most others think the government should put pressure on them to make any bonuses performance-based.
Rookie Pilot
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Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:44 am

[quote author=Three Bars link=topic=6009.msg15811#msg15811 date=1491607806]
Colonel is that you?

Normally when the post is 'Canadians do this/love this/etc' it's a topic where NO Canadian is on record for saying or doing that and no Canadian I know of fully agrees with it.  It's also out of Canadians control since things like this aren't up to a public vote.

Do I think Bombardier should get federal loans or subsidies?  Yes. No different than Airbus getting the same or Boeing in the form of bloated cost-plus military contracts to finance their private ventures. Anything Canada can do to get out of the banana republic economy of selling resources at cut rate prices is worth doing.

Do I agree with executives cutting themselves huge cheques for incompetence?  No.  This Canadian and most others think the government should put pressure on them to make any bonuses performance-based.

Fire them. The world will keep turning. People get fired every day.
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Problem is you have to be a francophone to rise to the exec suite at BBD, pretty limited talent pool to select from. BBD manages their company like Goldman Sach they know they are too big to fail and the government will back them no matter what.

That being said despite all their mismanagement and bungling on the C series it is and will turn out to be a winner.
Liquid Charlie
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I guess one needs to ask. Has Bombardier, ya was always bombadeere for the longest, time ever built anything exceptional after perfecting the art of snow travel. I say let them continue but totally remove any government financial support. Most companies have to make it on their own and are successful because their products are good and people buy them. I could care less what they pay their executives, unless that money is coming out of my own pocket.

D/H Canada - They tried to compete but life after the DHC-6 was not profitable and one would think Bombardier would have noticed this. While there are a few -8's flying around the Q-400 was a flop internationally and was likely introduced back at home with Bombardier practically paying people to operate them. The skido line was totally a fucked up concept initially. With 50 passengers in a totally screwed up and poorly designed aircraft. How does one dig themselves out of that hole. The latest generation would need to be an exceptional, head and shoulders above any other commuter jet and even then I not sure if they could sell it. They have produced too many duds in recent times to convince people to purchase their products. This goes along with product support. Product support played a big roll in the initial roll out of the Q-400, I over heard several conversations while hanging out in the J class lounge in CPH. Word gets around and while there was a lot at play with SAS dumping the whole program it did stick to Bombardier like shit to a blanket.

Two parts of aviation in Canada past their prime and need to fade into the sunset. Bombardier and the Snow Birds -- hows that for being a "bad person"  >:D
John Swallow
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"Snowbirds...past their prime...fade into the sunset"

Howcum?  Howso?

Left Wing Johnnie  (;>0)
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Snowbirds??? do you mean the Tutor needs to be retired? that I can agree with but replace them with some newer jets.
David MacRay
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No, replace the tutors with old jets, like F-86s. If they have to get newer ones, F-16s would be ok I guess.

I must be very patriotic. I want Bombardier to suddenly become super profitable and pay some transfer payments to Alberta. Calgary needs to finish the ring road people.
Liquid Charlie
Posts: 524
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I agree older is better. I guess I'm not that horny over precision flying teams. I would never go to an air show just to watch the snow birds. They provide a little back up/warm up band function but over all I find them boring, too neat and tidy right down to their tailored jumpsuits . I want raw and crazy. They need a snarling propeller in front of them :-)

I would love too see Bombardier be successful but not on my dime. They might be better off to get out/sell out of the aerospace industry and just produce rail cars. They employ a lot of people and there is where it can become tragic. They hold that issue over the government's head and thus the bail outs. I think they need to look at expanding their land based market. Hi speed ground transport seems that it could be the thing of the future. Maybe they should fall into a "support" role for the high tech world of flight and build components for other companies and shit_can trying to compete building the whole aircraft.
David MacRay
Posts: 1259
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You are probably right. Apparently you can't even build new beavers for profit and everybody loves them. You can make money fixing up old ones, but build new ones? Guess not.
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