Video – Skydivers Near Miss with Regional Jet

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Is it optical illusion or did the pilots bank away?

I would be surprised if the pilots even saw them. Blink and you miss rhem.

Does anyone check NOTAMs any more? I was driving around meat bombs yesterday. All you need to know is where their LZ is and what’s the wind aloft. They will jump slighty upwind of their LZ.

It’s nice to say hi to the dumper pilot on their freq but you don’t have to.
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Slick Goodlin
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Colonel wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:40 pm
Does anyone check NOTAMs any more?
There’s thirty five pages of NOTAMs about airspace thousands of miles away from my intended flight. I will miss stuff.
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I agree, the NOTAM system was designed by bureaucrats to hide information and achieve the objectives of people on the ground.
I will miss stuff.
Hopefully the meat bombs. They make a terrible bloody mess of the airplane, like deer.

Are you guys in contact with the IFR controlling agency in your area? The dumper pilots are. Not sure why they bother - doesn’t seem to do any good.
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JW Scud
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Get flight following and ATC should be letting you know about known airspace with jumpers. I have experienced it. Will ATC know about all jumpers? I suppose not but I think there are requirements for dropzones to let ATC know.
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It is s giant pain in the ass to drop meat bombs.

First you need to get the operator’s permission and publicize the activity with local pilots. Hold their hands. Tell them everything is going to be ok.

Then you need to issue a NOTAM and you need two radios. One radio stays on the airport freq and the other is on the IFR freq. You need to monitor both and communicate one minute warning and then jumpers away.



It is beyond comprehension how any IFR traffic could not be aware of all of this.

I think I know why they don’t have parachutes in GA aircraft. All they do is talk talk talk on the fucking radio. If they had a comm failure and they had a chute on, they’d panic and dive out through the door.

PS Meat bombs join a downwind, fly a tight circuit and land into wind. It can help to have an overhead diagram of this with basic landmarks.

Pro Tip™ Try not to do this with your main.

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