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You knew it was going to happen

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:55 am
by Colonel

Yes, Ohlins on a Monkey! They have the super-strong springs
for my fat ass (215 lbs) so I don't bottom the suspension out,
and adjustable rebound and compression which I set at the
recommended defaults. Not sure I got the sag right.

I see RevZilla has Ohlins cartridges for the Monkey's front forks
for ridiculously cheap ....

That's the only problem with putting really good rear suspension
on, which is firm but not harsh. It makes the factory front suspension
look like shit in comparison.

Remember, I don't own a car any more. Well, my wife does, but I
live on 2 wheels. On the off chance that it could rain in the winter,
I take an Uber, which is our second car. I'm too old to ride in the
rain. Well, I'll ride home in the rain, but I won't leave in it. Don't
have the right gear, or the youth for that matter.

I really don't miss the years of lane-splitting on I-101 and I-280
after dark, in the rain in the winter. Told the wife we need to up
the multiple on my life insurance again.

If I had oomlats and a pencil-thin moustache, I think I could
conquer the world. Or at least get rid of Gavin Newsom as governor.