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Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:24 pm
by Colonel
Manitoba is not for everyone, including Dear Old Dad who spent time in Gimli
instructing on T-33's. After being in Europe on Sabres I understand it was a bit
of a let-down.

But the Penners are ethical, and you will find that's incredibly rare in aviation.

There's something about aviation, that attracts borderline criminals and mental
outpatients like moths to a light bulb. I'm sure there's a Master's degree in Psychology
or Sociology in there. You might even be able to smoke a PhD through at some of the
smaller schools. Just don't get it from the University of Phoenix, ok?

That would look pretty impressive on an airline pilot application: PhD in aviation
dysfunctionality! Shit, they'd probably start you as a junior VP in HR.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:35 pm
by TwinOtterFan
I actually spent a year at 17 Wing Winnipeg and I loved it there, even the homeless were polite, ya there were some issues going North but nothing that Ontario didn't already prepare me for. I used to do Friday night and Saturday night shifts at Main Street Project, I think it was called. it had the drunk tank cells and a homeless shelter on the other side.

I would prefer to eventually be back in Northern Ontario once I have enough time to fly commercially but even that could change. I'll take flying something smaller over Northern landscape over a city any day.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:50 pm
by Liquid_Charlie
I learned to fly at the "old" Brampton Flying club It was located That was back in the day where the instructors were old enough to shave and likely been around the block at least once. The new club is a bit of a puppy mill but if you are forking out cash you should be able to pick your instructor. I just takes a little research. There is a great resaurant there and lots of "old" flyers hanging around. You can likely get lots of information there. If you are into this for the love of flying and owning your own aircraft I would explore the idea of actually buying your tail dragger and learn to fly in that.

Harvs has a great rep, I'm now hanging my hat in Northwestern Ontario so I hear a lot from the local area and Harvs seems to have a very positive feed back. Living in the sticks one could actually get by NORDO up here but it's becoming necessary to have a radio. Good news there are portables out there. Hooked to an external antenna it would work well and even a Garmin on the dash would get you by. Southern Ontario is another manner. It would be interesting to ask some cub owners what they have done to their J3's. PA11 has electrics and that is a great aircraft as well. Just don't get horny and get into an aircraft that will be more than you can handle. You will get to that point after getting experience under your belt. Flying your own aircraft is a much better learning experience than renting.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:56 pm
by Colonel
Fond memories of Shebandowan Lake. You could do a lot worse.

LC is right about the external antenna. Required to make a portable comm transmit ok.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:20 pm
by TwinOtterFan
I'm very excited to get started but old enough now to know I can't do it all right away, and not to take to many chances lol.

I can't think of anything better than flying an old plane way up North but I need to be a little realistic as well. I have a young family although if we found a small cabin in the sticks up North my wife would gladly never leave it. (We are a service couple and she has PTSD, she doesn't fair well in the city).

I am a medic, in the service currently. was a paramedic before that, and really love the idea of flying medivac preferably for Ornge they have a base in Sioux Lookout, Timmins and Thunder Bay. To me that would be a great way to earn a living, although I'm not opposed to other gigs at all, medivac is just the only one I really know about and my roots are in medicine. In my off time, eventually I think it would be great (once I'm good enough) to instruct as well.

And of course to own a small tail wheel one day.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:57 pm
by Liquid_Charlie
I actually live in Sioux Lookout and way back when did some work flying the ontario contract beech 200 prior to orange(early 80's). As the saying goes "came to Sioux Lookout for a week 45 years ago -- LMAOOoooo - life on the lake is a Beech :mrgreen:

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:31 pm
by TwinOtterFan
Liquid_Charlie wrote:
Sat Mar 21, 2020 4:57 pm
I actually live in Sioux Lookout and way back when did some work flying the ontario contract beech 200 prior to orange(early 80's). As the saying goes "came to Sioux Lookout for a week 45 years ago -- LMAOOoooo - life on the lake is a Beech :mrgreen:
is it really as nice as they say? I work in the military hospital and one of the nurse's fiance is from there and she tells me that I am going to love it there. She goes on about it a fair amount. I see a lot of pilots on the "other" forum complaining about having to go there to find a job so I really don't understand. To me Sioux Lookout seemed perfect, lots of float charter's, property looks nice and is cheap compared to Southern ON, and like I said my dream job at Ornge eventually is right there. Before this whole Covid mess I seen the Wayne Clark? I think was looking for some low hour deck hand/pilots, I figured there wouldn't be much of a better way to learn, gain some hours, some experience and already be in the area of Ornge.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:55 pm
by Eric Janson
These guys offer tailwheel training. Not familiar with them myself.

Various locations around the US.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:06 pm
by TwinOtterFan
That place looks amazing, I guess if I am going to go with getting a tail wheel endorsement I could look into them. I'm in Ontario, currently sitting in my Q in Petawawa..... very very bored. That Golden Eagle place I found does not look nearly as nice, but she does tail wheel and float, and she has a grass strip behind her house, she is certified by TC seems to only do PPL. Also turns out it is maybe a 15 minute drive from where I'm going to be moving.

I thinking about changing my plans a little and doing my PPL with her, then moving onto BFC for all the rest. If I stay in Ontario.

Re: Logging Time

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:33 pm
by Colonel
A former student of mine - I think he took an airline job - told me he had an odd
experience with Ornge. They were talking about types flown, and he mentioned
Maule and Pitts. Guy said, Andrew trained you? My former student said cautiously,
yes? Guy said, you're hired.

Not sure I believe it, but it's a nice story. I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

I had another former student send me a great picture the other day - he's not
flying airlines - he just checked out on a 750hp turbine Otter on skiis. What
a taildragger!! I'd post the picture but I don't want to out him.

I was a bit confused by all the white stuff in the background. I think he must
have been on a white sand beach somewhere, but he must have been kind of
hot in that Canada Goose.

I find as I get older, I don't ask questions any more. I just smile and nod, and
try to cop a feel when I can.