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It's Not A Steering Wheel

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:25 am
by Colonel
Even though it looks like one:

Cessna Landing

When the nose yaws left, you spin the steering wheel thingie all the
way right, to create maximum adverse yaw with the down-going left
aileron, to pull the nose left more, correct?

Bonus points for the body language - note he leans right. He really
wants to yaw right. But no one ever taught him how to control yaw.

I don't blame the kids. I blame the so-called "flight instructors" that
teach kids to fly like this.

See, pilots today will tell you that you don't need to know how to
use your feet, or fly a taildragger.

They have no idea what they are talking about. Internet idiots.

It was a little breezy at the airport Sunday. No one was flying. I
didn't give a shit. I guess that makes me a BAD PERSON.

Re: It's Not A Steering Wheel

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:51 am
by David MacRay
I hate it when some smart Alec shuts off auto rudder and I don't notice until I almost porpoise off the runway.

The difference between a porpoise and that wheel barrow is my screaming that sounds like Flipper, right?

Re: It's Not A Steering Wheel

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:18 pm
by Colonel
It's always safer to approach faster, because that increases your margin above stall, right?

Only BAD PEOPLE approach slowly. Probably get a careless & reckless charge these days
for approaching at less than 2x Vso.

Turn off the sound and watch a four-seat certified aircraft with 180hp flown by someone with a clue:

See the difference skill makes?


Re: It's Not A Steering Wheel

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:33 pm
by Colonel
Obviously, you want to approach far too fast and pump on the steering column
while you are fishing for a greaser:

I blame the instructor

Greaser landings are for idiots that fly crowd-killers. Plant that fucker on and
keep it straight. All else is BS. Unless you like hydro-planing and running off
the end of the runway.

Here is a perfect landing. Power goes to idle on downwind abeam the runway
threshold and stays there. No flaps, just sideslip to bleed off excess energy.

Do that 10,000 times and get back to me about what shitty landings I do, compared to you.
