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It is time to get with the program

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:10 pm
by Trey Kule
After observing Prime Minister Gaylord reach into our pockets and hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to make certain we all understand that Canada is all about diversity,  and after careful consideration,I have come to the conclusion that it is time to get on board to make Canada the place it should be.

So, I thought I would start in the Aviation Industry.
If one looks at the history of TC, it is clear that it was dominated by paternalistic, Anglo-european males who were so unaware of their privileged status, they felt they could impose everything on us..And that is  not the Canadian way.

Lets start at the very basics.  An airplane moves around three axis.  And the white male elite labelled them the longitudinal, the lateral, and the normal axis.
NORMAL!!!!!  How discriminatory is that?  Are the other two abnormal?  It is a clear and blatant case of discrimination. TC has imposed these labels on us. They have violated our basic right to embrace alternative label styles.

I, for one, want it changed.  My suggestion is to call it the Islamic Axis.  That is absolutely not discriminatory, and my opinion is supported by millions of dollars of federally funded groups who will marginalize and demonize them into silence.  It is all about equal rights.
And the other two.  Well you can call them whatever you like. Longitudinal!  In a recent poll done by the respected Gettheresultsyouwant@ , it was found that 122% of the present  PPL students could not even pronounce that word correctly.  And the poll is accurate 95% of the time. 
Personally, I am considering alphabet letters or emoji as suitable names for them. Perhaps something in Mandarin. We want diversity, not conformity. I can see no reason why I should be forced to label them the same as anyone else.  I have rights.  And TC should respect that by accommodating alternate labels in their exams.

One voice shouting out about this intolerable discrimination  will not be enough.  I am asking all the right thinking people here to contact their MP and demand change.  Write the leader of the opposition and demand she bring this discriminatory situation up in parliament.  We can get it changed to better reflect a modern Canada.


If we want to know who rules us, simply look at who we are not allowed to criticize.

Re: It is time to get with the program

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:24 am
by Fendermandan
I support you comrade (in Russian accent).

Re: It is time to get with the program

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:56 am
by ScudRunner-d95

Re: It is time to get with the program

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:15 pm
by Liquid Charlie
It's just like seeing a turboprop crash on TV to see a big round engine and matching prop on scene -- (last night) -- lol

Re: It is time to get with the program

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 3:34 pm
by duCapo
Virtue signalling.