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Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:30 am
by ScudRunner-d95
Jesus that must suck ass winding up in Iqaluit when you think your heading to Los Angeles ... shut-down/

Re: Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:05 am
by David MacRay
Lax can wait, I've been there, it was ok. Never been to Iqalut though. Might be interesting. Probably would be nicer during bug season than spit freezes before it hits the ground season but...

Re: Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:23 am
by Colonel
LA wx:


Bumfuck, Canada wx:


Re: Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:38 am
by David MacRay
Well there you go. It's sunny versus cloudy. And it's so warm you could be out there bare faced as long as there is not much wind.

Beautiful day for mukluk shopping.

Re: Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:21 pm
by Liquid Charlie
Frob doesn't get real sustained cold like other parts of the arctic. 25 it's not all bad at all but sometimes the wind does get a little uncomfortable. It does get to 40 in frob but not as often as some would think and over the last few years it's getting less. It's all relevant. Before you think there are typos a true northern person never refers to negative temperatures in the winter, it's just a given. LMFaooooooooo  >:D  It's call situational awareness  :D

At least they can deplane if needed. 7F does have the ground support. There was a time where wide bodies could land in the north but baring a fork lift and a cage there was no way to get off the aircraft.

Re: Swiss 777 ZRH - LAX diverts to YFB

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:13 am
by ScudRunner-d95
You got that right, a few years ago  I flew the Lear up to YEG it was -20 stopped for gas in Rankin -25 landing at Frobisher bay. +5.

Gassed up and headed to YYC it was warmer there in iqaluit than all of the prairies.