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If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:14 am
by Trey Kule
The president of the USA signed an order that any new regulation put forward by a government agency must also be accompanied by two regulations to be deleted. That is one new. Two others deleted.

I can imagine the FAA folks going nuts.

If only we could have that in Canada.  It would be a dream come true to have TC remove two regulations for every new one.  Maybe we would not all have to walk around like regulatory encyclopedias.

The CARs might eventually become a semblance of the sanity and common sense it was as the ANO, and Air Regulations

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:38 am
by ScudRunner-d95
Does TC still have its ask one question get 3 answers policy?

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:09 am
by Colonel
[quote]It would be a dream come true to have TC remove two regulations for every new one[/quote]

No kidding.  We have so many useless rules,
no one knows what they are, including the
idiots at TC.

Case in point.  TC was recently bullying a
young flight instructor.  His student had flown
the required 300nm cross-country and had
wisely stopped when the wx got bad, parked
the airplane, waited until the wx got better
and completed the flight.

TC fuckwad said it didn't count, because it
wasn't done on the same day.  Had to be
done all over again, at enormous expense.

See, I'm a [b]BAD PERSON[/b] but I would tell the
TC mouth-breather to shove it up his ass,
because that's not what the regulations say.

TC losers make up crap all the time, either
through ignorance or because they get off
on the bullying. 

Now, think about what this TC idiot taught
that CPL student and his instructor.  Don't
stop for bad weather, keep flying and maybe
die to keep the paper happy.

The fuckwads at TC don't give a shit about
safety.  That is the most important lesson
I can teach anyone, after 40+ years in aviation.

So it really doesn't matter what the regulations
say, the TC big bellies just make them up so
they can get their rocks off, pushing people around.

That's exactly what I had an American airshow
pilot tell me, who is never, ever coming to Canada

TC knows people - unless they are [b]BAD PEOPLE[/b] like
me and Chuck - will always bend over for them and
take a load up the ass.  And that feels really good
to a loser that couldn't get a job in the private sector.

Good job, TC!

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:22 am
by BCPilotguy
[quote author=Colonel Sanders link=topic=5530.msg14412#msg14412 date=1485839340]

Case in point.  TC was recently bullying a
young flight instructor.  His student had flown
the required 300nm cross-country and had
wisely stopped when the wx got bad, parked
the airplane, waited until the wx got better
and completed the flight.

TC fuckwad said it didn't count, because it
wasn't done on the same day.  Had to be
done all over again, at enormous expense.

When I did my licence I was working 2-3 jobs at minimum wage and paying for lessons as I could afford them (not very often). The long cross country was the most challenging part to pay for because, not only is it several hours at once, but they want you to have the dual and solo cross country flights back to back. Looking back now, if I had to spend that money twice with my financial situation being what it was, it may have been enough to stop my flying training all together. It can be hard to regain the momentum once you've lost it.

I would be curious to hear the TC inspector's justification (both in practical terms and according to regulation) as to why an overnight break invalidates the flight, especially when it demonstrates sound decision making.

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:55 am
by Trey Kule
This 300 nm X country in two days is not the first instance I have heard of this happening.
When TC misinterprets the regulations, or changes the rules, it is impossable for one or two people to stand up against them.
Now I think there is a computer code writing guy here.  How about an app, that allows student pilots/instructors to place a complaint with a central small organization. If the complaint has validity then the organization can take it up.  No longer TC against the little guy.  And intimidation on a third party kind of loses it effectiveness, though a couple TC inspectors in BC tried it.
It is time we, as pilots, AMEs stop trying to deal as individuals .

Btw.  I will be publishing the Trey Kule Protest Diet, as well as the Trey Kule, get fit with protest workout video...

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:02 pm
by Colonel
This happens all the time.

I know a class 1 instructor who wanted to get a class 1
aerobatic instructor rating.  CAR 421.92(3)(b) says:

[quote]hold a Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating and
[b]provide a letter[/b] certifying that the applicant is competent to perform the aerobatic manoeuvres specified in the Experience section of the class 2 Aerobatic Rating.[/quote]

TC told him that only a class 1 aerobatic flight instructor
could issue that letter.

Bullshit, I replied.  That's not what the CARs say.

You could have an airshow pilot, or a contest pilot,
or an ex-military pilot write the letter.  They all
could certify that they saw the applicant fly the

He was a smart guy, and he could read the regulations
as well as I could, and he agreed with my very clear
interpretation of the CARs.

But TC didn't, and he didn't want to disagree with
TC, because he would be labelled a "troublemaker"
and TC would fuck him over for the rest of his life
because he challenged them.  He would become a
[b]BAD PERSON[/b].

The above is so sad.

It gets worse.  Your fucking tax dollars are paying
that TC bully's salary, very nice benefits and generous
indexed pension for banker's hours work, pushing paper -
compensation that simply doesn't exist in the private sector.

So, you're paying big dollars to be bullied.

Oh, Canada.

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:31 pm
by Colonel
The really nice thing about going nuclear with TC
is that you can stand up to the bullies.  You can
call them on their bullshit.  You're not going to
take it up the ass any more.  Tell them to lay the
charge and take it to 333 Laurier, and they will
change their tune, because they know they are
bluffing on a busted flush.

I will admit that this freedom has a cost, though.

It's been a year since TC stole my very nice new
laptop and iPhone.  Don't ever expect to get them
back.  In addition to being bullies, TC are also thieves.

Your tax dollars at work.

Just don't turn your back on the scum.

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:23 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
The only way to deal with them is ignore them completely and if you do answer them tell them to fuck off.

Re: If we could only do this in Canada

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:13 pm
by Colonel
It is worth of note that OJ is not in jail for
murder, but rather for stealing his own stuff.