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Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:31 pm
by Liquid Charlie
There is a lot of traffic on the other site about the piper that augered in and killed a instructor and 2 pilot wantabes. Very tragic and very sad but having said that wtf is a 400 hr instructor doing flying around IMC at night on a very long xcountry for anyway. I'm sure it was a bit of a scam to subsidize hours for his benefit and for a school to allow this practice is immoral. Getting paid for a/c rentals on the backs of ignorant pilots. They should be shot and pissed on. The only instruction they got out of this was how to die unnecessarily.

As echoed here before, there is no way a pilot with 400 hrs should be trying to teach others to fly. When I had 400 hrs I was teaching myself (with the help of a cpl mentors who would kick my ass) how not to hurt myself. There is no way I felt qualified to teach someone. The system is broken and although not many get killed I'm sure the level of competency does not reflect the dollar invested. 

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:43 pm
by Rookie Pilot
Summary of this tragedy: 

Low time instructor. Hard to see much / any actual IMC experience with a 400 hr TT
2 young PPL students, pre flight test.
Night IMC
Marginal fuel for diverting for weather, (I looked at the range and flight plan) and you got it folks,

Big line of convective weather. At night. Rental plane, I assume means no stormscope / Nexrad.
Even ATC warned them, but they didn't respond. Since we aren't are sensitive over here, I'm guessing that was due to limited fuel. 

Ps:  CFI of school says PIC was "experienced" and "things just happen sometimes. No problem, Mon.

OK Top gun pilots here, who all think this isn't an issue, and anyone should be ready to fly night thunderstorms in anything, right after being licenced. I'm pissed three young lives are wasted.

Defend this, cause this one upset me. TC should fry this school, and any school doing these pre PPL XC's.  Seriously.

Defend this.

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:24 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
Well I was once young and foolish but jesus Barney use to tell me he like pilots with yellow belly's that stuck with me so far and I'm still plugging away. The ratings you get are bare bones licence to learn and be mentored. Sadly the way things are going I think the mentorship part of the industry is falling by the way side with airlines gobling up noobs as fast as they can fill a roster line. The smaller outfits are getting hard pressed finding qualified resumes.

I heard that Alkan last month for the first time in their long history put out an ad for direct skippers on king airs, they received 12 resumes only 2 barely qualified. Couple years ago their would have been a line out the door and people knee capping each other to get the shot.

Encore is running ground schools over xmas and they are not even full.

Times they are a changing.

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:37 pm
by Colonel
I'm not sure I understand what the fuss is, about
this Cherokee that crashed.

The light bulb went on for me a few years back,
when I realized that people didn't give a shit
about safety.

What they cared about was not hurting people's
feelings, and political correctness.  Pretty costumes,
thick paperwork, and button-pushing is where it's
at in aviation now.  You know, Hilary voters.

Knowledge and skill and safety don't matter for
a shit in aviation any more.

If you crash, that just gives you a "learning experience"
to talk about, at your airline interview.

[img width=500 height=332][/img]

It's a strange new world out there.  One that
doesn't give a shit about safety.  So, why is
this Cherokee crash something to get upset
about?  If all the paperwork is in order, and
no one's feelings got hurt, well, that's aviation
at it's finest, isn't it?


Good job!

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:05 am
by David MacRay
That video just continues to give. I don't even know how many times you have posted it and I have watched it a few times, every time. I am still experiencing, amusement, wonder, fear and confusion. Almost laughing and cringing each time.

Someone must have told that pilot to keep the yoke back after the wheels touch, they seem to have forgot. Then again there is lots of scary added to that approach.

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:39 am
by Colonel
[quote]TC should fry this school[/quote]

Why on earth would they do that?!  I am
sure their paper is perfect.

I didn't think you were really that naive.

[quote]I'm pissed three young lives are wasted[/quote]

What has that got to do with anything?

55 million people die every year.  No one
in aviation cares.

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:13 am
by Strega
There is ZERO reason this accident should have happened...  poor kids were simply a product of their environment..  Im sure the instructor was excellent at "hood" IMC....

What is different about this guy?

Or this guy? 

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:15 pm
by Liquid Charlie
You got me -- Colonel -- you are correct, the regulators only care about the paper trail. The pilot in command did nothing wrong and all the proper release forms signed and witnessed. With all the smoke that is being blown up people's asses one could not even educate people to beware, oh well, all that's left is to get back to the slaughter. Selling this type fam flights to unsuspecting wantabes is just wrong and borders on fraud. Buyer beware is always good advice and to me why would someone waist money in this way but we see it everyday.

Maybe we need instructor's license and not just an endorsement. It's like the seatbelt law. It offends us but it does save laws and people have more of a tendency to  buckle up.

Re: Instuctors and schools -- again !!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:28 pm
by Colonel
[quote]why would someone waste money in this way[/quote]

Efficiency left the building a long, long time ago,
in terms of flight training.

100 and even 200 hours to PPL is just another
soccer participation trophy.  TC has no problem
with it as long as many pages of thick paper
and gallons of dark ink is used.

It's funny to watch people try to justify 100
and 200 hours to PPL, saying that "things
have changed".  No, they haven't.  Air Cadets
still do a PPL in 6 weeks and 45 hours.

Fact: civilian flight training is abysmal, and
no one cares.  As a result of this, every once
in a while events like this occur.  Why on earth
anyone would be surprised is beyond me.