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Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:08 am
by Strega
Not current in a 172....

Scroll to 09:52...

What a joke..

Mr chops has a lot to learn...first things first is to "get current" in the fire breathing 172...

Amazing he didnt die flying into cloud in something as small as a 172..

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:13 pm
by Colonel
One has to wonder if US CBP is aware that he
is illegally receiving flight training without the
required visa: ... t-training


You must participate in the Alien Flight Student Program and undergo a security threat assessment if:

You are an alien; and

You are seeking flight training inside or outside the United States for U.S. airman certificate under 14 CFR.

[b]This rule applies to flight training that you could use toward a[/b] recreational, sport, or private pilot certificate;

multiengine or [b]instrument rating[/b]; or any initial U.S. airman certificate issued by FAA.[/quote]

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:59 pm
by DeflectionShot
Might be a violation but FC would probably argue that this is really a marketing/demonstration flight showcasing San Carlos Flight Centre and Jason Miller CFI. As per the third bullet in the link:

[quote]•You are participating in a discovery or demonstration flight for marketing purposes...[/quote]

Not that I really care, but what's your beef with Flight Chops anyway? I find his geeky earnestness is a bit off-putting but he appears to have created a significant following on youtube. I would think promoting GA is a good thing, no?

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:57 pm
by Colonel
[quote]this is really a marketing/demonstration flight[/quote]

Not according to porkchops.  As Brian Mulroney once
famously said, you can't suck and blow at the same

CBP finds out about this, he's banned from the USA.
They take a very dim view towards visa fraud.

[quote]he appears to have created a significant following on youtube[/quote]

So do the Kardashians.  I'm not legally obligated
to admire them, either.

[quote]promoting GA is a good thing, no?[/quote]

porkchops is the Kardashian of aviation.  They both
promote themselves in a most nauseating fashion,
and I don't much like either.

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:44 pm
by Strega
I find it humorous that "people" (especially on the other forum) will say nothing but terrible things about Mr aviations IFR videos, and how that he is careless-bla bla bla... I wonder what they will now say about pork chops doing the same?  because pork chops does it it must be good now?
how can he be "current" in a stearman and chipmunk... but not be in a mighty 172..    I guess Im a bad person for saying that...

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:44 pm
by Rookie Pilot
My thought when reading this?

In a word, it's never the critic that counts. They have already lost.

The winner is those who try something, create something, apply themselves, and those that attempt to share knowledge and passion (in this case for aviation) with others.  For free, in the case of this video.

It is so easy to sit back and criticize.

How accurate, useful, knowledgeable, this video is for the budding IFR pilot -- I'll leave in the eye of the viewer. Certainly there is an attempt to educate, to share, and I commend this young man for his attempt to do so -- and for creating the videos. 

General Aviation, which is hurting, needs more, not less, of this kind of boost. 

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:05 am
by Colonel
Hey, if the kind of self-serving tripe that the
Kardashians and porkchops serve up floats
your boat, go for it.

But although you might be a fan of porkchop
and the Kardashians, others are not obligated
to be.

Don't try to tell me what to think.  I have the
CBC for that.

I'd rather watch this:


I'm sure the fat fucks at TC would think it's
careless, reckless and negligent but I can live
with that.

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:36 pm
by Rookie Pilot
[quote author=Shiny link=topic=4795.msg12353#msg12353 date=1478415582]
[quote]porkchops is the Kardashian of aviation.[/quote]

I'm sure people will miss the irony here that the repeated publicity he gets from him constantly being mentioned on these forums only helps him out. Strega indeed might be responsible for a substantial amount of his traffic. I personally didn't bother watching it, you can't get that time back after all.

The best thing you can do to these kinds of people is ignore them. After all, for them there is no bad publicity.

So Shiny, someone, a young man who creates something, is a "bad person"?

Such is the state of Canada. Build something, even as modest as a few airplane videos, get torn down for your trouble.  Better we should all aspire to be civil servants, right?

I think taking initiative is to be commended, and all too rare in a country with a fondness for government support programs and an aversion to hard work and creativity. The quality of the videos isn't the point. It's a kid trying to build something that promotes aviation. I don't see why this attracts such hatred.  Well, as a business owner, I do get it, sadly. All of us are evil for daring to try something new.

Don't like the videos, don't watch them.

Re: Not current....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:30 pm
by Colonel
[quote]It's a kid trying to build something that promotes aviation[/quote]

No, it's a slimeball trying to build something content-free that promotes himself.

[quote]Such is the state of Canada[/quote]

You're entirely missing the point, I suspect on purpose.

Want to see a great Canadian pilot, promoting aviation?


See the difference? 

If you can't tell the difference between porkchops
and Pete Mcleod, well ...

[quote]All of us are evil for daring to try something new[/quote]

porkchops isn't doing anything new.  He's just
taking a page right out of the Kardashian playbook,
which nauseates us.

I don't see any hate for Pete, Rookie.  Since you're
so much smarter than the rest of us, can you explain

By your logic, Pete ought to be hated 1000x as much
as porkchops - yet he isn't.