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Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:57 am
by Colonel
Just talking to a friend of mine.  Apparently he got the call
from TC, that it had been reported that he had the nerve
to add oil (3 quarts worth) to his airplane on the ramp.

Detail:  his aircraft has an 80 year old Gypsy inverted
inline four engine.  Basically, every cylinder is the bottom
of a radial, and it's British.  And, it's 80 years old.  It's
gonna burn some goddamned oil if you fly it, which he
dares to (perhaps that's his crime?)

Some questions:

1) what the fuck is it with those weirdos and haters who
note this shit, and take the pictures and type up the
reports and send them to Enforcement?  You might
recall my recent recounting of me getting shit on for
trying to help some Brampton kids on their long x/c,
by threatening TC's authority by cleaning their fucking
bendix drive.

2) what the fuck is it with those useless twits and losers
at TC that [b]actually follow up on these stupid reports?[/b]
Why the fuck is a report of 3 quarts added not immediately
tossed in the garbage, where it belongs?

Please, can someone tell me what the fuck CAR is being
contravened when one fucking dares to add oil on the

What fucking idiot at Enforcement would investigate if
no CAR could possibly have been contravened?!

Canada is so fucked.  Between the jealous haters and the
cocksuckers at TC, aviation is just so weird here. 

What the fuck is it with TC's desperate, perverse, near-sexual
compulsion to be involved with [i]every single fucking flight in Canada[/i]?

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:08 am
by Colonel
[quote]I know one guy, who as of last count had written over 100 letters to enforcement complaining about his fellow aviators[/quote]

Jesus.  In the old days, he would have gotten
the shit beaten out of him.  See "Generation
Of Pussies" previous discussion.

[quote] said bitcher has some sort of perceived clout.[/quote]

.. and that's disappointing part.  Sure, lots of
Canadians are jealous asshole tattletales, but
why on earth would anyone at TC pay attention
to them?

The obvious conclusion is that TC is vastly over-
staffed, has far more inspectors than they need
and they have far too much spare time on their
hands, so they waste time on [i]what they know is

Ain't that just great.

Enforcement investigating an aircraft owner adding
oil on the ramp.  What the fuck has Canada come to?!

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:01 pm
by Liquid Charlie
This touches on a lot of what is bad in commercial aviation today. TC is the instigator and supplies the "anonymous" conduit to rat on one's [color=rgb(82, 82, 82)][font=helvetica neue][size=13px]colleagues and taught by flight schools[/size][/font][/color]. WTF has the world comes to. In the past we, as pilots would help each other out. Practice courteous behavior and if by chance we fucked up and pissed someone off it was never intentional and we would [color=rgb(82, 82, 82)][font=helvetica neue][size=13px]apologize (ya I know - a fucking canadian - lol) Why do pilotsrat out other pilots. Why is someone horrified if it is perceived you landed below limits or went flying in icing conditions. We should be able to make those decisions without and little puke judging us. He shouldn't try to maintain his man hood by being a rat because he was either too scared or flying poorly equipped aircraft. [/size][/font]
[color=rgb(82, 82, 82)]Terminal weenies  should be shot and pissed on. They serve no purpose.

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:45 am
by Colonel
I have no idea what TC Enforcement is going to do
with this complaint.  Nothing those crazy bastards
do, surprises me any more.

PS  You need to re-read Sun Tzu's seminal "Art Of
War".  You don't necessarily need to punch someone
in the mouth to motivate them.  You just need them
to know that it is a possible consequence for bad
behaviour.  When there are no consequences for
bad behaviour, we end up with the jealous haters
running amok, and TC Enforcement Inspectors
with very strange ideas about how aviation in
Canada should be conducted.

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:04 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
Lets look a little closer at this issue.

If a pilot adds oil to an airplane it will require opening an access door in the cowling and removing the cap on the oil filler tube, that is mechanical work and unless the pilot has a TC issued aircraft engineers license they are not qualified to perform such demanding mechanical work on their airplane.

Safety trumps all other issues and TC should revoke that pilots license if they can prove he added oil out on the ramp.

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:12 am
by Slick Goodlin
Well shit, I added [b][i]four[/i][/b] quarts of oil to a Gipsy (with an "I," Colonel) Major this afternoon.  I guess I better hand in my license.

More likely, the TC inspector just put a date under "followed up on" in his spreadsheet of complaints.  No need to over sensationalize if it's case closed, that's no different than getting fired up over every CADOR issued.

Re: Is all of TC on crack?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:16 am
by TundraTire
[quote author=Chuck Ellsworth link=topic=4266.msg11363#msg11363 date=1474247074]
If a pilot adds oil to an airplane it will require opening an access door in the cowling and removing the cap on the oil filler tube, that is mechanical work and unless the pilot has a TC issued aircraft engineers license they are not qualified to perform such demanding mechanical work on their airplane.[/quote]

With all due respect, what you describe is "elementary maintenance".  No AME license required, just proof of company training (in a commercial/airline environment).

I suspect the TC report that started this thread, is similar to many Cadors reports such as a low visibility landing.  The complaint met the criteria for a report, TC looks into it and dismisses it when they realize there is no issue (ie proper training or procedure was followed).  Seems odd that someone would complain about a private operator/pilot adding oil though, maybe someone has an axe to grind with said pilot?