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F-16 vs Flight 93, September 11, 2001

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:01 pm
by David MacRay
Does this seem right to you? ... ?tid=sm_fb

There were no armed fighter jets on stand by, near the Capital?
After watching the second airliner hit the second tower, the CO grabbed the first female F-16 pilot, who happened to be a rookie and they launched, unarmed.
I don't recall if the pentagon was before or after the second tower but she describes seeing it smoldering as they flew past.

The story lacks detail but states, she eventually escorted Airforce One back into DC.
Was she carrying ordinance then? Stopped for fuel or had several hours range?

Re: F-16 vs Flight 93, September 11, 2001

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:04 pm
by David MacRay
I listened to a bunch of a audio from the day. The F-16 squadron must not have been aware that F-15s presumably armed had been dispatched elsewhere. I am guessing the CO just wanted to try to get it done and take that plane out of service.

I guess I Should not be surprised because it was mayhem. I just expected more co-ordination and better communication from the Airforce.

The ATC and phone call tapes are chilling. Based on the phone call between Betty Ong and the emergency center, there were probably only two or three bad guys onboard Flight 11 out of Boston.