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Alaska 737 Drive Oleo Through Wing

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:02 pm
by The Dread Pilot Roberts
Dam we always joke about driving an Oleo through the wing but these boys took up the challenge

I like that guys Chanel

Re: Alaska 737 Drive Oleo Through Wing

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:44 pm
by Colonel
Yeah, I know the runway is 5700 feet long.

Yeah, I know it’s wet.

Yeah, they had an increasing then decreasing headwind on final.

But the wind was calm at the surface and maybe two guys with ATP’s could have landed a serviceable 737 without destroying it?

Re: Alaska 737 Drive Oleo Through Wing

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:20 am
by Eric Janson
My guess is that there was a previous problem of some kind. I've heard talk of faulty maintenance.

737 landing gear is extremely tough.

The company I worked had had a hard landing that broke both main landing gear.
The aircraft did 2 more sectors.
The second crew were not aware what the previous crew had done. They took off and returned because the red gear lights would extinguish!

Boeing looked at the flight data - the original hard landing should have collapsed the gear.

Re: Alaska 737 Drive Oleo Through Wing

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:10 pm
by Nark
Say what you want about the automation overload of the Airbus, there is an automated MX reporting function.

On a basic level… MX will know if there is a “hard” landing based on a G load on touchdown. It *should* auto print to notify the crew. (As if they don’t know already)
I’ve had+witnessed some hard landings in the bus. It’s also very forgiving.

But Eric brings up a great point. It’s damn near impossible to find problems in the gear during the walk around. If that were the case, I’d be hiring an attorney to make a call to the company on my behalf.