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No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:45 am
by Colonel
[url= ... d-war.html] ... d-war.html[/url]

[quote]Glorification of the tools of war is antiquated, regressive, and morally repugnant. It’s something we deride in other countries, and is contrary to everything good about Toronto.

Craig Damian Smith is a PhD Candidate in political science at the University of Toronto. He writes and researches on the politics of irregular immigration and refugee integration.[/quote]

Meanwhile, in a country near you:

[img width=500 height=281][/img]

Is there something in the water in Toronto?  If someone
has been slipping LSD into the Toronto water supply, it
would explain so much - like 4900 Yonge St.

Re: No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:15 pm
by GoBoy
[color=rgb(50, 61, 79)][font=Lucida Grande][size=3]The article is just complete tripe Just one more idiotic writer trying to stir up this new generation and their over the top, nimby , overly sensitive, treat everyone with kid gloves BULLSHIT !!!This crap has gone on waaaay too long. The new generation needs to get over itself and realize the world in not a perfect place and never will be . The majority of the people in this country have no problems with airshows and if a small group along the water front think its a nuisance , then tough . Its just one weekend get over it .It never ceases to amaze me the things that now bother people that never did in the past .[/size][size=10px] <ins><ins><ins></ins></ins></ins>[/size][/font][/color]

Re: No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:26 pm
by Slick Goodlin
But I like airshows.  What about [i]my[/i] fragile feelings being rocked by this article?

Re: No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:15 pm
by vanNostrum
'' and is contrary to everything good about Toronto"

Is there really ANYTHING good about Toronto ?

Re: No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:48 pm
by Colonel
Precisely.  If one was to give Canada an enema,
I think you could figure out where I would vote
to stick the tube in.

[quote]a small group along the water front[/quote]

I remember reading somewhere that four people
in condos on the waterfront were responsible for
90% of the thousands of complaints about the
island airport.

Re: No One Can Complain Like A Canadian

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:57 pm
by Chris
But the FEELINGS! People could be TRIGGERED!

What a load of PC hug-fest feel-good-about-yourself bullshit.

The whole idea of trigger warnings only sets off my blood pressure. Hiding under your social justice warrior security blanket doesn't help anyone. It's just an excuse for do-gooders to pat themselves on the back and say "Good job me, I made the world a better place today".