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Picture Thread!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:15 pm
by esp803
I don't think someone has started a picture thread, so I'm going to start one. I was fortunate enough to take a bit of a working holiday from my "real job" and do some real flying over the last few weeks. Here are a couple shots of the super van. The first is in Arrowhead lake in the Yukon and the second is on Withers Lake... also in the Yukon.

Speaking of Super Van's: That one pulled 2000lbs out of a .4 Mile long lake at 4500' ASL, plus enough fuel to do the 270 mile leg... and land with an hour of fuel still in the tanks. I know Caravans don't typically come to mind when one thinks STOL... but these little garret monsters are...well... monsters.

For the camera nerds out there: The first was with a Fuji X100s, I love that camera more then I will ever love a human child. The second was from my Iphone... because it's always with me and never ceases to amaze me in the detail it captures... it's in no where near the same league as my fuji... but for the 2 seconds it took to make that pano, I'll be using it more and more.


Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:17 pm
by David MacRay
Hey I just mentioned that I should find you to go bicycle riding sometime.

Do you ever fish when you're up there or is it all work?

Phones take a reasonable picture these days and even a guy like me can work them.

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:52 am
by Cdnpilot77
Picture 1 was one of my favourite moments in my flying life, when I got to take my son on a short ferry flight.  We were light and when we took off, sitting in the back my mom asked my son "did you feel that in your tummy?"  His reply: "yeah and in my penis too".

The second is a beauty TCA Connie sitting outside the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field, Seattle.  Taken last week.

Edit: I have no idea why the first one is upside down??  It didn't show that way in the preview

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:59 am
by Cdnpilot77
Esp, you should recognize this place...

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:15 am
by Colonel
Looking over my right shoulder:

[img width=500 height=332][/img]

One of the best-sounding airplanes I have
ever heard.  Better than the WWII V-12's.

I like to clean up engines in my spare time:

[img width=500 height=262][/img]

[img width=500 height=430][/img]

One wheel landings:

[img width=500 height=375][/img]

Got a little exuberant (not a photoshop):

[img width=500 height=465][/img]

Hardware guys told me it was perfect:

[img width=500 height=167][/img]

96 MPH under the bridge, on the GPS:

[img width=500 height=375][/img]

Tucker's school tries to hire my kid:

[img width=500 height=207][/img]

To all the jealous haters, like those at TC,
that these pictures enrage:

[b]Please travel and have sex with yourself[/b].

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:34 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
Dam I miss the Yukon, great shots Esp803

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:30 pm
by mmm...bacon
Good stuff, Esp!  I think that you just flew a friend of mine up to Misty Lake in the Yukon..she's got some great pics of a blue-and-white 'van....

Re: Picture Thread!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:00 am
by esp803
CDN, I do know the spot, and the bird... Were you up there doing line indoc with them?

Bacon: If it's someone from the island, I know who you're talking about. Another of my favourite spots.