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Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:45 am
by Colonel
Demand for pilots is nuts here.

It’s always highest right before the next crash.

Ever notice that?

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 4:01 am
by Scudrunner
This is one thing I've been watching closely and reminding people how many times the rugs been pulled from the Pilot Job Market even in my short career.

2001 9/11 and Dot COM Bust
2008 Financial crisis
2014 Regional Alberta crash
2020 Covid

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:48 pm
by Squaretail
Colonel wrote:
Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:45 am
Demand for pilots is nuts here.

It’s always highest right before the next crash.

Ever notice that?
Its like that for everything.

I live in Alberta, if one isn't used to living through boom/bust cycles by now, well then they're just being purposefully obtuse. Paradoxically, during bust time is when people need to train to be pilots, so they're ready when the next boom comes.

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:56 am
by Slick Goodlin
Squaretail wrote:
Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:48 pm
Paradoxically, during bust time is when people need to train to be pilots, so they're ready when the next boom comes.
I stopped saying that out loud because people look at me like I’m an idiot when I do.

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 12:38 pm
by Colonel
If you’re ahead of your time, you’re different, so everyone thinks there’s something wrong with you .

People with a 100 IQ have a lot of company. They’re in that meaty part of the curve.

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:36 pm
by mcrit
Yeah, I remember the late 80s when I was doing my PPL, none of the instructors were around for long; got their time and headed to the airlines. 1990 and the post Desert Storm recession arrive and suddenly there are scads of laid-off regional pilots back doing the instructor thing. Fast forward to 1999 early 2000 and I’m at my first instructor gig and everyone is moving fast. The owner of the flight school where I worked, who was an A320 Captain at AC at the time, tells us all that we’ll be right seat on a Dash or better in 2 years things are moving so fast. Then 9/11 and the dot com bust happen. I spend the next 5 years instructing, along with most of my peers. Finally move on to something bigger and in 2008 things are moving so fast that I have flying schools throwing ME/IFR students at me if I’m willing to come back part time. All of their instructors have left for bigger iron. Renew my instructor rating in 2010 in a different province after moving. Ask the CFI at the school where I renewed if he needs any part time help. He says no, he is full up with guys who are back to instructing after being laid off at the regionals. Renew my rating in 2017 and return to instructing part time; more students than I want and I end up working more days and hours than I planned. Renewed my instructor rating again a few months ago; I suspect that it will be time for renewal again by the time there is any real demand for my services.

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:25 pm
by digits
This is going to be an extremely short boom though.

Re: Ever notice it’s always like this?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:11 pm
by Squaretail
digits wrote:
Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:25 pm
This is going to be an extremely short boom though.
Maybe. But I bet there will be another one some time.