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Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:56 pm
by Squaretail
Its one of those times where I've gotten tasked with sorting through the resume pile again. Noticed some stuff. First, noted a few where guys were Captains at Jazz and Encore with just over 2000 hrs. Admit to being a bit shocked it was that low just before all the covid furloughs. Is this the case these days? Cathay guys must have been laid off on droves, there's a lot of them in the stack sub thousand hour or about.

Some odd things I notice. There's lots of girls from Quebec in the pile. Is there something in particular they are running out there at the schools targeting them to get into aviation? You don't see it for anywhere else, the pile is largely dominated by guys. Half the pile are Chinese, lots with right seat time. Are these guys getting snapped up right out of places like Montair?

The usual hilarious bits because people, especially pilots, don't proof read or spell check their resumes. One guy was aiming to improve his Bust pilot experience. Another had experience "like it was in an airplane".

Oddball bit: Some resumes are appearing with a point or star system next to the candidate's abilities. Like they are a pokemon card or something. While I appreciate the honesty, if someone grades their "hand eye coordination" as only 3 out of 5, I'm not sure why they would think an employer would see that as an asset. Was told this is the new trend in tech and IT job resumes. Weird.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:06 pm
by Colonel
If the resume is printed on odd-sized cloud paper, snap them up before someone else does.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:16 pm
by Squaretail
Cloud paper is a thing of the past, most arrive in pdf format. Like a luddite I print them off, since its easier to sort the large volume. That said, there must be pilot resume templates available out there since many come with that blue/gray coloration.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:26 pm
by TwinOtterFan
When I was thinking about releasing from the military and looking at schools I came across many scholarships for females and I believe some subsidized education for females as well in QC. There was definitely a big push before Covid, I was searching around Ottawa at the time and did see a fair amount of that in QC.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:18 pm
by Colonel
Pretty simple to sort into 3 piles:

1) no ATP
2) ATP, no type
3) ATP, type

Other companies sort like this:

1) no degree
2) degree, no TN
3) degree, eligible for TN

Sad to hear about the passing of unusually-sized cloud paper.

People should remember that there's a hard way to make a living,
and an easy way to make a living.

Spend a few minutes with a straw, and you can make MILLIONS:


Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:04 pm
by Squaretail
Colonel wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:18 pm
Pretty simple to sort into 3 piles:

1) no ATP
2) ATP, no type
3) ATP, type
Well at the moment its qualified, unqualified, and who the hell knows. The last get binned. Lots of people are dusting off their pilot's licenses, so the last category its often tough to figure out if they are even a pilot, but also in the other two categories you see a lot of people though while qualified, aren't likely to be current their last flying job being multiple years in the past. Not looking for ATP qualifications if that gives you an idea of the volume to sort through.
Sad to hear about the passing of unusually-sized cloud paper.
As I said, its been replaced by this quasi-air force looking template. Its exactly as you imagine it. Haven't looked, but I suspect some entrepreneur is selling it somewhere. Its like the old saying about how fish hooks aren't designed to catch fish, they're designed to catch fishermen. The same thing with cloud paper and pro resumes.
People should remember that there's a hard way to make a living,
and an easy way to make a living.
Unfortunately that's not always apparent from the outside.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:26 pm
by David MacRay
Oh no. I can’t see the number in that colour vision test.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:33 pm
by Squaretail
Thought I would just recycle this thread, since its that time again.

New resume trend for this season: Experience around airplanes. What this means, isn't time flying those airplanes, its experience loading bags onto or fueling them. Or maybe dispatching them. Now this may be ok if you are applying to still do those tasks, not if you're trying to pad an actual flying resume.

Also, people know it looks bad if you have the same resume for a decade right? It seems I get resumes from guys who just keep trying, but one hasn't been updated since 2004. Or at least he hasn't flown or worked since them. You almost think some people are just trolling at this point.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:31 pm
by Slick Goodlin
So what’s the ideal format for a resume crossing your desk? I used to suggest:

Contact Info
Licenses and ratings
Table of TT, PIC, MPIC, etc
Aviation Experience
Other relevant experience

Proofread carefully, attention to detail is an important pilotey skill. PDF is best because my word processing software may not have whatever weird-ass font you chose.

Re: Resumes and the current job market.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:03 pm
by Squaretail
Slick Goodlin wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:31 pm
So what’s the ideal format for a resume crossing your desk? I used to suggest:

Contact Info
Licenses and ratings
Table of TT, PIC, MPIC, etc
Aviation Experience
Other relevant experience

Proofread carefully, attention to detail is an important pilotey skill. PDF is best because my word processing software may not have whatever weird-ass font you chose.
That exactly. Which 90% of flying resumes don't conform to. Or at least the ones I get. It should also fit on one page, I shouldn't have to find your TT in your hobbies and interests section on page 5.

I thought this would be obvious and common knowledge by now.