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What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:49 pm
by Strega
Of your total time is single engine, 4 cylinder, fixed gear time?

Just curious?

Mine is about 6%

Anyone else care to comment?

Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:01 pm
by esp803
The 4 cylinder thing takes out most of my time, but fixed and single (much like my dog) is probably 90%


Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:51 pm
by Strega
Interesting remarks shiny

not sure what that has to do with anything...

I asked the question as there are soo many experts out there, that "know it all" that only fly 172s around the patch.  Mr crunch is a prime example. 

My next thread was going to be the "are you a member of the bent metal club".  Because clearly "bending metal" makes you learn from your mistakes and you are  then a better pilot...  Cough

Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:36 pm
by Strega

The differentiation between 4 and 6 had to do with most 172 and smaller planes are generally used "around the patch" while the larger 6 cylinder models are used to a higher level (think 180/185)

Do you think 1000 hours of 172 time is as valuable as 1000hrs of 185 time on floats in northern Ontario?

Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:40 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
"are you a member of the bent metal club".  Because clearly "bending metal"  makes you learn from your mistakes and you are  then a better pilot...

I have not bent metal yet so that part of my training has not been done yet.

Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:45 pm
by David MacRay
I would count the retractable nose wheel as retractable time. If you forget to lower it you will most likely have a bad day.

100% warrior II and 172 time. I have flown PIC from Abbotsford -> Tofino -> Springbank -> Washinton DC -> Springbank. With some fuel stops between.

I doubt I'm as good as Flightchops Shteevie today because I don't go out enough anymore. :(

The only thing I broke on an airplane was the lever to move the seat in a 185 Shiney was giving me a ride in. I feel remorse about it too.

Re: What percent ?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 11:26 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
Well I don't know about feeling best about, but my most unusual flight lasted nineteen hours and ten minutes from take off to touch down.

And only two of us on board to fly it.