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Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 11:53 am
by Colonel
[url= ... m-to-shore] ... m-to-shore[/url]

I am amazed that she figured out to swim, without
an SOP.

[quote]Ontario Provincial Police say the 23-year-old woman from Kitchener, Ont., was following a route on her car’s GPS while driving in the dark on Thursday night in Tobermory, Ont.

They say she made a turn that took her straight into Little Tub Harbour on the shores of Lake Huron, where her car sank about 30 metres from shore.[/quote]

See, aviation is now "accessible" to everyone - like
this person.  Blindly following SOP's?  Great future
in Canadian aviation.

We are told that Canadian aviation doesn't need
people who can think, and make correct decisions.

That would be elitist, and the calculus of Political
Correctness tells us that "Correct-Think" takes
priority over safety.  You know, not crashing.

Crashing is now a "learning event" or "learning
experience" which is to be encouraged and nurtured,
as an inevitable consequence of egalitarianism
in aviation.

In Canadian aviation, crashing is now a "growth
experience", and only Bad Elitist People don't crash.




[img width=500 height=375] ... attie1.jpg[/img]

[img width=500 height=375] ... 819977.jpg[/img]

Please wake me up and tell me this is all a bad joke.

Re: Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:19 pm
by Slick Goodlin
Well, wrecking a plane [i]is[/i] held to be the fast track to the majors, so there's that to consider...

Re: Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 2:31 pm
by Colonel
There's the old joke about promoting incompetence ...

But the truth of the matter is that the worse you are
as an instructor, the faster you upgrade to class 2/1,
and start supervising and CFI'ing and teaching new


The 10 flight test recommends to upgrade to 2/1 are
not required to be successful.  In fact, if a student
flunks, you as an instructor get to count him TWICE -
one for the initial failed flight test, and again for the
second successful partial.

I am not making this up.  This might explain some of
the odd things we see come out of FTU's.

As to why TC structured this ... we can only assume
that they want the FTU's to be an extension of TC,
and similarly promote incompetence.

[quote]wrecking a plane is held to be the fast track to the majors[/quote]

Yesterday my good friend Gary Ward was flying an
airshow with Greg Connell.  Gary from the right in
the green MX2, Greg from the left in the Pitts:

[url= Airshow, GA[/url]

Greg's dead now.  I guess I'm old-fashioned because
I don't want to do that, although TC would be very
happy if I did.

Re: Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 2:57 pm
by David MacRay
Would I learn anything watching the crash? I prefer to watch guys not crash.

Re: Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 6:10 pm
by Colonel
[quote]there is some golden hammer solution to make aviation "safe"[/quote]

Sure there is.  In mathematics we call it the
"trivial solution" - a matrix full of zeroes. 

I have my suspicions that TC has been pushing
this for quite some time.

Re: Children of the Magenta Line

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:09 pm
by David MacRay
The family that owned the golf course near my house sold it a couple of years ago to a developer intending to build condos. So there is one less of those to worry about I guess.

It is actually nice right now because it is an impromptu park while they work on getting permits and financing. Needs a nice fishing pond though.