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New members.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:51 am
by Chuck Ellsworth
We need new members here in the " Haters, Flamers and Trolls " forum.

Re: New members.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:59 am
by Liquid Charlie
I agree but it seems that as I have stated before, there appears to be a generation issue here and the topics, while are of interest to the group here are mostly around general aviation and maybe stepping back in time for us old fkers. As for me, while I grew up flying the bush I ended up what many would consider an airline, who are not doing so well these days. My interests are more around commercial aviation as opposed to general and initial. The thread about westjet and how they are evolving after 20 years is exactly how I pictured they end up. History seldom lies, but it generated very little interest here and on the other side not even a mention, likely because of potential employment one would never speak ill of WS.

Interest is what generates members and usually a subject when people have strong or set opinions generates good banter.

Re: New members.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:24 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
Yes, aviation has changed for sure.

It would appear we were taught things we didn't need to know.

Re: New members.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:14 pm
by David MacRay
Sorry Charlie, I had typed out part of a response to your West Jet topic. I don't understand how people that are only employees in a company are so anti union. It is quite strong in Calgary. Intelligent people get very angry at them. It is very peculiar and seems very much based on jealousy.

I remember people siding with Safeway, "Why should a cashier make $18/hour?" Then Safeway managed to break the contracts lower wages almost by half, layoff most of their staff and re-hire people as part time without benefits, then my groceries still went up. Yay.

Anyway I don't even want to fight about anything, never mind the worker vs corporations.

The initial profit sharing concept worked well at Westjet. Even I would have preferred being one of the start up pilots to being at any on the unionized carriers. Except maybe Pan Am back in the 1970s. Then again I'm probably being nostalgic.

I actually hope Westjet and their staff continue to do well as they grow and change. Eventually there will be a union/unions. I hope they are big enough to carry on.

Re: New members.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:23 pm
by David MacRay
As for the forum. I like the relaxed atmosphere that allows conversation about anything that is interesting enough to support one.

I hope it grows but it will take time. Quality is better than quantity.

Re: New members.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:24 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
This Forum is self sustaining now, I will be plowing all revenues back into advertising so we can get the word out to the masses. It will take time to grow, to  think we are just over a year old while most of the others have been around for more than a decade some two decades.

One thing that I have received many complements about is the Scuds Tall Tales section, I think it is a unique feature of this forum and I encourage all of you to pen your tall tales. Even if its just a quick I learned something new story it can help the younger pilots out and might just save a life.

Ill admit I have been slacking on my stories,  I have two in the works at the moment, one about getting caught in thick forest fire smoke low level heading west into the sun trying to get back to Beaver Creek with a mountain range and a thunder storm between me and safety. The other involves my new employer and my previous one slandering me to him but he hired me anyway  ;D