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Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:30 am
by vanNostrum
How do you measure 2000 feet horizontally in the air? :-\

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:44 am
by David MacRay
Eyeball it. It's a little less than half a mile. I probably stay back a mile because I tend to be conservative with that sort of thing.

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:29 am
by Colonel
How do you measure 2000 feet
It's impossible.  As a matter of fact, it is impossible
to bust someone for flight visibility.  I am the second
precedent - TC tried to bust me for flying with less
than 3 miles visibility, and the judge threw it out.

An exasperated TC lawyer pouted at the judge, who
admonished the TC lawyer that the CARs were not
created for the convenience of Enforcement.

My life has been a strange journey.  Free advice:
when someone asks you if you have been doing
aerobatics near cloud, never, ever answer,

"It's ok, I have an instrument rating"

Canadians do not have a sense of humor.  About
anything, as far as I can tell.

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:40 pm
by ScudRunner-d95
Funny we have more stand up comics than any other country and with such names as Jim Carry, Mike Myers , Russel Peters, Seth Rogan, Phil Hartman, Leslie Neilson to name a few I think we have a pretty good sense of humour.

However if one longs to become a TC inspector I heard a lobotomy is a prerequisite.

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:43 pm
by Colonel
Yes, but didn't all those funny Canadians move to the USA?

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:53 pm
by vanNostrum
'' Eyeball it ''
When I see another airplane in the air I can eyeball the distance  by comparing the relative size with the actual size
But I can't eyeball distance if I don't know the size of the object I'm looking at

'' It is impossible .As a matter of fact, it is impossible to bust someone for flight visibility''

Strange to have rules that can't  be enforced

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:58 pm
by Liquid Charlie
I got 12 inches but I don't us it as a rule.  :P

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:16 pm
by Colonel
Strange to have rules that can't  be enforced
You have to stop thinking, that what the
government does, makes sense.

If you look closely, many CARs are unenforceable -
but they put TC in a wonderful bluffing position,
which few people are willing to call them on, because
of TC's legendary vindictiveness.

I pissed off TC in 2001, and in January of this
year - 15 years later - they seized my very
expensive cell phone and laptop and have no
intention of ever returning them.  The lawyer
I talked to, said the seizure was unlawful. 
That means that TC stole them.

Don't piss off TC by calling their bluff.  It's just
not worth it, especially when you're right.

Ask Buffalo Joe.

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:56 pm
by Chuck Ellsworth
Well I made up my mind to not co-operate with them many years ago and would not allow them on my property without a search warrant.

Sure they are vindictive beyond belief, and I solved the problem by working outside of Kanada.

Now if I were to ever be approached by one of their thugs I will just tell them to fuck off.

The one I want to meet at an airport is BPF but of course he knows better than approach me in his official position as a TC inspector.

But it would be really fun if he did.

I know he reads this forum and it must really be frustrating for him not to have the balls to respond.

Oh by the way BPF...Xmas has passed and this site is still up and running.

Re: Silly Question

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:03 am
by vanNostrum
You have to stop thinking, that what the
government does, makes sense. ''

That is funny considering I live in Ontario

I pissed off TC in 2001, and in January of this
year - 15 years later - they seized my very
expensive cell phone and laptop and have no
intention of ever returning them.  The lawyer
I talked to, said the seizure was unlawful. 
That means that TC stole them.''

Can't imagine under what circumstances could TC seize private property