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Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:17 am
by Colonel
Typed this in for another class 1 instructor here,
thought someone else might be interested in
instructor training:

-- cut --

Law of Inequality

A Student is never better than their Instructor,
urban legends notwithstanding.  Students ideally
might approach 50% of their Instructor's skill.

-- cut --

Given the above, the more skilled the Instructor,
the more skilled the student.

I see really shitty hand-flying skills in new CPL's.

During a class 4 instructor rating, I am merciless at

- exposing him to strong crosswinds

- getting him to fly perfect steep turns from the right
seat (both directions) while he is talking and looking
out for traffic

- making him a fucking ace at PFL's.  Every flight
terminates with a PFL to the runway.  As the class
4 training progresses, he will do them from all
arriving at all angles to the runway, from all altitudes
progressively lower until we are arriving back to
the airport below circuit height from diversions

- did I mention diversions?  He is going to be an
expert at planning and executing diversions

If a class 4 instructor can ace a crosswind, fly
a perfect steep turn, do good PFL's and ace
diversions, he will be a good instructor.

Mind you, what would I know?  TC won't even
let me back into Canada any more.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:36 am
by Colonel
Best PGI ever:

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:37 am
by Colonel
How To Construct Good PGI For An Exercise

    mental & physical condition (aerobatics?!)
    assess knowledge of exercise

    developmentally draw out from student’s assigned reading

    why learn exercise?  How fit into training?

    using whiteboard drawing and aircraft model, explain to student:
o      what aircraft will do
o      what flight and engine control inputs are required to make airplane do that
o      what he will see
o      break complicated tasks down into simpler tasks
o      tell him what we’re going to do, and ask him to tell us
o      QUESTIONS at end of each section, to confirm knowledge and involve
o      NO THEORY – don’t confuse groundschool with PGI

    everyone makes the same mistakes – head start

    particular to exercise:  lookout, altitude, botched recovery, G limits, etc.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:40 am
by Colonel



I love this interwebs thing:


Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:24 pm
by David MacRay
What has 27000 views?

Transport won't let you fly in Canada anymore or teach?

Nice to see The Pursuit of Happiness show up on your list.
I like "Turn it loud." Darby Mill is still singing all those early Headpins tunes Brian McLoed wrote, really well too.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:32 pm
by Colonel
What has 27000 views?
"Classic Canadian Rock" Playlist
Transport won't let you fly in Canada anymore or teach?
I'm not even allowed to enter Canada. 

Thanks, TC, for having my Charter Rights
as a citizen revoked.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:37 pm
by David MacRay
Uh, you're seriously in exile?

I joked with my wife once on the way home, "I hope they don't let me back in."
I suspect it would be a bad thing more than good.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:42 pm
by Colonel
you're seriously in exile?
I don't dare enter Canada.

Thanks, TC.  How professional.

I guess this isn't very surprising given the recent
newspaper articles about mental illness in the
Ottawa TC office, and TSB taking over TC spending
because they are so irresponsible.

Their vindictiveness and sense of entitlement
with respect to their completely illegal actions
is mindblowing.

Re: Class 4 Instructor Training

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:39 am
by Colonel
While I get what you're after, strictly speaking what you've said isn't very accurate,
other wise everyone would just keep getting stupider with each successive generation
While there is some merit to that argument, do
remember that a PPL at 1000 TT is a very different
animal than a PPL with 50 hours and the ink wet
on his SPP from the AP.

Learning does not stop after the issuance of a licence
or rating.  At least, I hope it doesn't.

I think you would agree with me that if we took
identical twins and one got their PPL from a really
marginal instructor, and the other twin got their
PPL from a really good instructor, just after issuance
of the PPL, I would wager that the student of the
really good instructor would be a better pilot than
his twin.

However, over time such differences fade.

Very unlike where you got your university degrees
(which people make a stupidly HUGE deal about,
decades afterwards), no one gives a shit where
you did your PPL, because it's what you've learned
since then that matters.  No one gives a shit what
you did in your first 50 hours, unless it was something
really spectacular like landing NORDO at YYZ (I
know a woman who did that.  TC loved her).

However, it would be nice if your instructor taught
you well enough that you survived your trip from
new PPL to 1000TT.  All too often we see young
pilots that don't.

It would be nice if your instructor taught you well
enough that you didn't bend any tin, either, but
my standards are probably too high.

