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Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:13 pm
by Colonel
I have nominated photofly on AvCan to the
Vatican to start the processing for sainthood.

Two threads - complete train wrecks - come
to mind:  the prop/tach checker (I have one
here on my desk, it works marvellously) and
now the VOT which has the AME's all up in
arms about square waves and the purity of
the electro-magnetic spectrum or something.

I have to ask:  are all AME's really that dumb,
or are they marvellously putting photofly on?

The irony is that they won't consider anything
unless a real (graduate) engineer has designed
it, and oh yeah, they hate real engineers, too
(see other train wreck threads).

Is it simply too much exposure to solvents in
the work place?  Am I over-thinking this?

More irony: photofly has THREE real degrees
(NOT sociology, etc) and has more engineering
ability than most of the guys I went to school

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:46 pm
by DonutHole
I'm skeptical of an engineer who wants a hero cookie for programming a raspberry pi.  My developmentally challenged nephew has been doing it since he was in grade 8.

I think photo fly comes up with some novel solutions which is cool, but what he's brought forward so far shouldn't be the benchmark of a 'brilliant' engineer

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:09 pm
by Slick Goodlin
The tach thingy and now VOT never came across to me as requests for hero cookies.  I read them more like, "Here's how a supposedly magical system works and how to prove it to yourself with cheap, off the shelf stuff."  Am I going to go make my own VOT?  God no, but it certainly got me thinking about what his little gizmo is doing and then on to how VOR actually works.  Good on him.

I second the sainthood, I don't think a lot of people could stay as civil as he has.  In any case, they're just jealous that he's out doing something while they're too afraid to do anything more than bitch.

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:19 pm
by DonutHole
Those threads, like this thread are self serving elitist masturbation.

I'll third the nomination but only because you guys need it ;)

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:48 am
by Colonel
self serving elitist masturbation
That's a fascinating reply!  Let's look at it carefully.

"self-serving" - You are implying that I am photofly?
Sorry, no cigar.

"elitist" - like "bourgeois capitalist running pig", it's
a wonderful communist insult, but doesn't really
mean anything.

"masturbation" - if you visit this website for sexual
stimulation, you're missing out on a whole lot that
the internet has to offer.  Might I suggest you start
with and go (or come) from there?

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:22 pm
by DonutHole
Beyond your scope... you're no English major

The trend in that forum is two guys trolling "engineers" because they think they are smarter, the result is a bunch of "engineers" picking apart tech that's out of their scope of knowledge in a (sad) attempt to know otherwise.  I'm not sure why nobody can be happy with knowing what they know and not knowing what they don't.

The lame part of being good at something is that there is always somebody out there who is better.  So I try to be better than adequate and strive to get better.  The only ways I know how to do that is to try and get the knowledge out of those who are better, or mess up a bunch until I get it right (which can get expensive so I prefer going with route 1)

One of the best "engineers" I know taught me that if you watch you can learn something from even the dumbest of people... and it's turned out to be true.

Another one of my friends taught me another important lesson.  You can do two things with knowledge,  you can use it to build people up, or tear people down.

I spent many years tearing people down with my knowledge and in the end people just ended up thinking I was an asshole, and no matter how smart, or how much better I was at my pursuit nobody ever cared because I was an ass hole first and a skilled tech second.  One day my friend told me that I'd get a lot farther, or at least my path in life would be easier if people liked me,  best piece of advice Ive ever actioned.

Then there's your thread with the heavy insinuation that ames are all really that dumb.

It's a stupid dick measuring contest, too much maverick and iceman for my liking.  Too much tearing people down.  There is no point.  If you need others to validate your personal achievements the  you're doing it for the wrong reason, and if you just want to sit around all day telling everybody how smart you are and how dumb they are you're just an asshole,  and no matter how good you are at what you do you'll always be an asshole first and a skilled whatever it is you're trying to be second. 

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:08 am
by Colonel
Hey, if you're happy with the behaviour of the AME's
there, that's fine with me.

Re: Are All AME's Really That Dumb?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:15 pm
by Strega
Simple answer...


I like it on the other site when I asked troubleshot and kiss my tcas to comment on the "engineer" that doesnt even know how, or when an engine should be on condition....