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Aviation in 2021

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:12 pm
by Colonel
As my favourite year ever (2020) draws to a close, I wanted
to pass on these Three Weird Tricks for Aviation in 2021:

1) Look Outside
2) Lower the Nose
3) Right Rudder

There will be no new causes of airplane crashes in 2021. If
one accepts that as axiomatic, reviewing old crashes and learning
the lessons from them, will prevent future crashes.

This sounds pretty stupid, but most people I know are dead. Not
that there's anything wrong with that in the long run - I personally
come from a long line of dead men, myself.

It's what you do between now and your death - and what style you
display during your death - that matters.

Re: Aviation in 2021

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:57 am
by Scudrunner
Currently watching my "pal" :mrgreen: Ewan McGregor ride his electric Harley from the tip of South America to LA on "The Long Way Up" Talk about living life to the fullest.

I should claim some credit for this show , when I flew him about 4 years ago I chatted with him about "The Long Way Round" and how we crossed paths previously in the Yukon on that trip.

I asked him if they were going to do another trip like that. He said that Charlie and him where not getting along towards the end of "The Long Way Down" the second show in the series. And now look at them back together off on another amazing adventure.

Cool to see the Rivian Prototype Trucks as support vehicles

Re: Aviation in 2021

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:30 pm
by Colonel
You have to admire "iron butt" Ewan McGregor. Those long distance rides are
awe-inspiring. I would be in traction after one day of that.

For me, riding is like screwing. I wish I could do it all day, every day, but while
the spirit is strong, the body is weak and after an hour I'm thirsty and tired and
I need a nap.

PS. I don't get electric Harleys. Do they come with awesome amps and speakers
to make that thumpa-thumpa sound? I cannot imagine the internal politics on
that project.

I was beat after riding home from San Diego, where they were giving away pristine
GEN I Hayabusas with 4,400 miles and no damage for $6k. I just couldn't turn that


Jesus, do I ever hate LA traffic.

They were giving these away recently, too. Cherry 1994 LT-4 6-speed with no damage,
no salt and 75,000 original miles, asking $9k.


How can I turn that down? I almost got killed in a really sketchy parking lot in SF buying
it off Craiglist ... I was the only white guy there with a stack of cash in my hand. Not a
good way to get a lot older, but the car was worth it. ... t-charged/

Re: Aviation in 2021

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:45 pm
by John Swallow
1) Look Outside
2) Lower the Nose
3) Right Rudder

Can't argue with that... (;>0)

Re: Aviation in 2021

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:33 am
by Colonel
Time For Some Really Advanced Flight Training


4) stick over, into the crosswind, during landing

I know it's complicated and really hard to remember, but
gosh, it works really well for me in every type I've flown.

Re: Aviation in 2021

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:35 am
by Colonel
Super-Duper Advanced, Incredibly Difficult Flight Training

5) Don't approach so fucking fast.

Wow! That's a really tough one.

Here's a doozie. A lot of really big words:

6) If you pooch the approach, go around

So hard! So hard!

The poster children for #5 and #6 are of course PK8303
who for some odd reason, thought it was a good idea to
slam their functioning 320 onto the runway in perfect wx
at over 200 MPH with the gear up:


It wasn't on fire or low on fuel or bad wx or anything.

Then their next Really Good Decision was to go flying
again after they trashed their Eurotrash. Flying airplanes
that they just severely damaged is apparently always a
good idea for some people.

Amazingly, they only killed 97 out of 99 people on board.