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Which way is the Bird Dog going

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:06 pm
by JW Scud
From an article about Vietnam:

"Their prop-driven Cessna O-1 Bird Dogs cruised at about 100 mph, often only a few hundred feet over the heads of NVA anti-aircraft gunners. Bird Dog pilots constantly changed direction and altitude, flying with crossed controls—rudder pedals pushed one way and the aileron stick held the opposite way—to keep the noses of their aircraft aimed a few degrees to the right or left of their actual heading, making it harder for NVA gunners to predict where the planes would be moments after they pulled the trigger."

Re: Which way is the Bird Dog going

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:16 pm
by Scudrunner
huge balls those guys had !

Re: Which way is the Bird Dog going

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:54 am
by JW Scud

And a hell of a lot better people than the filth rioting in the streets most of whom should be sent over to a place like that.